Job summary
The BC ICB has an exciting opportunity to recruit an experienced leader to provide strategic leadership across the Black Country ICB to plan, commission and deliver the NHS All Age Continuing Health Care (NHS CHC) service.
The Associate Director of All Age NHS Continuing HealthCare is accountable for leading a multi professional team to achieve high quality, safe and personalised care, ensuring the team have the key capabilities and capacity to deliver improved outcomes for our population in line with the following key standards and commitments which includes
1. The National NHS Continuing Health Care and Funded Nursing Care Framework
2. The Children and Young Peoples Continuing Care National Framework
3. ICS Operating Framework
4. Joint Forward Plan
5. Care Quality Commission (CQC) standards
6. NHS Long Term Workforce Plan
We are looking for an individual with expertise and in depth knowledge of CHC and experience in working across the system with the ability to develop robust working relationships with system partners to ensure the delivery of a robust CHC service.
Main duties of the job
7. Developing a strategic, integrated commissioning approach which meets the needs of our patients and population.
8. Leading the improvement strategy in line with the Joint Forward Plan to support excellence across the organisation and our partners.
9. Presenting service performance reports to relevant committees as required to highlight service improvements or concerns.
10. Overseeing the development, implementation and review of policies and processes that support competent based assessments for NHS CHC clients.
11. Ensuring equitable implementation of the current National Frameworks. relevant to the NHS CHC team, ICB, NHS Trusts and Local Authority through information sharing, training, updating and reviewing the process and policy; obtaining legal opinion where necessary.
12. Leading the planning and development of service performance targets to meet the ICBs statutory requirements.
13. Ensuring that service plans are formulated and aligned to ICB strategies, understood by all stakeholders and delivered efficiently and effectively.
14. Being responsible for managing service risks, ensuring they are appropriately identified and controls are/or mitigation is in place, escalating to the Chief Nurse/Deputy Chief Nurse as appropriate.
15. Attending senior leadership meetings with varied internal and external key Stakeholders to facilitate the delivery of the service objectives.
16. Formulating long term strategic plans, involving uncertainty and considering the impact on the organisation.
About us
The Black Country Integrated Care Board (ICB) is a statutory NHSorganisation responsible for developing a plan for meeting the health needs of million people in the Black Country. We manage the NHS budget forthe area (Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall and Wolverhampton) and we areresponsible for planning and buying Primary Medical Services (GPs), dental,optometry and pharmacy services.
Working for the ICB means you are makinga difference to the lives and health of people in the Black Country.
We are part of the Black Country Integrated Care System (ICS),known as Healthier Futures, which is a partnership of organisations workingtogether to bring health and social care services closer together for the goodof our communities. We support the ICS vision for a healthier place withhealthier people and healthier futures.
The ICB has five core values that underpin theway we work and help to guide our actions and the decisions we make for localpeople and communities. These are compassion, inclusivity, integrity,fairness and trust.
We are an equal opportunities employer who actively supports andencourages increasing the diversity of our employees, and welcome applicationsfrom people with transferable skills gained through experience across the fullrange of health and social care settings.
We are also a bronze award holder under the Defence EmployerRecognition Scheme (ERS). The ERS recognises commitment and support from UKemployers for defence personnel.
Job description
Job responsibilities
17. Developing astrategic, integrated commissioning approach which meets the needs of ourpatients and population.
18. Leading theimprovement strategy in line with the Joint Forward Plan to support excellenceacross the organisation and our partners.
19. Presentingservice performance reports to relevant committees as required to highlightservice improvements or concerns.
20. Overseeing thedevelopment, implementation and review of policies and processes that supportcompetent based assessments for NHS CHC clients
21. Ensuringequitable implementation of the current National Frameworks. relevant to theNHS CHC team, ICB, NHS Trusts and Local Authority through information sharing,training, updating and reviewing the process and policy; obtaining legalopinion where necessary.
22. Leading the planning and development of serviceperformance targets to meet theICBs statutory requirements.
23. Ensuring that serviceplans are formulated and aligned to ICB strategies, understood by allstakeholders and delivered efficiently and effectively
24. Being responsible for managing service risks,ensuring they are appropriately identified and controls are/or mitigation is inplace, escalating to the Chief Nurse / Deputy Chief Nurse as appropriate.
25. Attending senior leadership meetings with variedinternal and external key Stakeholders to facilitate the delivery of theservice objectives
26. Formulating long term strategic plans, involvinguncertainty and considering the impact on theorganisation.
27. Leading and overseeing the contractualarrangements to ensure that service providers meet the service specificationbased on individual patient need andat all times ensuring best value, high quality, safe care and serviceresilience.
28. Developingbusiness plans and strategies for areas ofactivity.
29. Making major contributions to corporate policiesand strategy.
30. Representing the ICB at national, regional andlocal levels, including representation at NHSE forums.
31. Leadingon effective market management strategies and relationships in partnership withkey system partners NHS and Local Authority contract teams and commissioners.
32. Providing and receiving highly complex, sensitiveor contentious information and removing barriers to understanding to cascadethe information when necessary to differing groups and at senior levels.
33. Communicatingeffectively to the workforce and the public in potentially hostile andantagonistic environments using negotiation skills, diplomacy and compassion.
34. To link with NHS England and NHS CHC Leads toensure up to date knowledge of good practice and practice guidance is maintained.
35. Toensure local dissemination of regional-wide policies and procedures on NHS CHC,highlighting implications for the ICBs systems and structures
36. Manage and actively promote positive relationshipswith patients, their partners, carers and their families
37. Preparing high quality reports and presentationsas requested for the relevant ICB Committees/Boards.
38. Analysingcomplex clinical information from audits and national reviews, ensuringlearning is taken forward appropriately.
39. Analysing, interpreting and comparing highlycomplex and diverse information on the performance of the NHS CHC serviceagreements and contracts and identifying any deviations from the data.
40. Analysing NHS CHCperformance in relation to performance targets, strategic objectives, strategydevelopment, business planning, expert advice for differing opinions or optionsand developing plans based on the data found.
41. Providing forecasts ofthe likely expenditure on NHS CHC services, identifying options for managementaction where costs are likely to exceed budget, identifying the impact theseoptions may have on the achievement of other services and standards the ICB isrequired to meet.
42. To undertake due diligence in providing bestevidence to local, regional and national inspections and peer reviews.
43. Workingwith providers and clinical experts to design new training products
44. Leadinga culture of continuous learning, innovation and improvement whilst recognisingthe need to enable service providers to be the best they can be to ensureservice resilience.
45. Identifying, sharing and providing expertise ofbest practice methodologies, regulatory requirements, policy imperatives,innovation developments, technological and digital developments andstakeholders knowledge.
46. Tobe responsible for applying complex clinical information from audits andnational reviews ensuring that learning is taken forward appropriately.
47. Developing, reporting and promoting innovativeapproaches to education and training, particularly its impact on the NHS CHC service.
48. Participating and leading research and developmentas required.
49. Leading on policy developments and implementationas required both locally and at a system level.
50. Engaging with strategic regional and nationalpolicy makers to inform service developments and policies as required.
51. Continuing a strategic influence across thepartnership for service development, pathway development; in particularintegrating services where possible.
52. Identifying examples of national best practiceand to ensure that the ICB benefits from relevant innovations in healthcare.
53. Tobe responsible for ensuring all of the clinical workforce are aware of anyupdates to NHS CHC guidance and protocols in line with the National Framework,case law and clinical research.
54. Developing and reviewing the structures,procedures and working methods for which the postholder is responsible toensure an integrated, effective and efficient approach to the NHS CHC process.
55. To be responsible for ensuring that the serviceis reviewed and changes implemented that support continuous service improvement.
56. To be responsible forensuring the ICBs NHS CHC operational policy is in accordance with nationallegislation, guidance and frameworks.
57. Delivering a programme which supports the ICB tomeet the responsibilities regarding the legal rights to have personal healthbudgets. These rights apply to people who are eligible for NHS ContinuingHealth Care, children and young people eligible for continuing care, people whoare eligible for section 117 aftercare, and people eligible for NHS wheelchairs(who have the right to a personal wheelchairbudget).
58. Leading and contributing to the quality andsafeguarding agenda.
59. Being responsible for ensuring that carecommissioned by the ICB is safe, of high quality and meets the needs of theindividual and provides best value through effective and efficientcommissioning processes.
60. Participating in and taking responsibility forensuring that all of the NHS CHC workforce are aware of and fulfil theirresponsibilities under all appropriate legislation and guidance such as, theMental Capacity Act, The HumanRights Act, Care Act and Safeguarding Adults & Children Legislation
61. To lead the NHS CHCagenda across the ICB, especially in relation to planning, care pathway designand commissioning and procurement of NHS Continuing Health Care services.
62. Being responsible forthe management of quality, safety, finance, contracts and people managementelements of the NHS CHC team by working in a matrix way.
63. Leading a multi-professionalteam, line managing the senior NHS CHCteam as needed, setting ICB value-based objectives that promote effective team working, inclusivepractice and maximising individual performance to be the best that they can be.
64. Provide a minimum of monthly supervision of directreports, including ongoingappraisals for the senior team.
65. Ensuring that theworkforce have access to and complete all mandatory training and have a currentpersonal development plan.
66. Providing visible and effective leadership andsupport to the directly managed workforce, the wider team and in the interfacewith other agencies and partners.
67. Enabling others tounderstand their contribution to services provided and embracing personaldevelopment and adherence to ICB policies and procedures.
68. To ensure that our professional and clinicalworkforce are enabled to access regular clinical and restorative supervision,appraisals and continuing professional development.
69. Holding the budget responsibility for the NHS CHCservice, including; monitoring budgets, overall budget setting, ongoingmonitoring of expenditure against budget and ensuring the appropriatedocumentation is available for scrutiny.
70. Managing the NHS CHC and complex carecommissioning budget, using in- depth analysis, interpretation and productionof complex and multiple reports including financial returns for internal andexternal reporting.
71. Having the ability tomanage initiatives within financial restraints and deliver to deadlines.
72. Maintaining accurate records of spend in relationto NHS CHC, reporting any potential resource implications in a timely manner.
73. Constantly striving forbest value and greater efficiency in the use of these budgets and ensuring thatthey operate in recurrent financial balance year on year.
74. Leading the redress process and ensuring that allclaims are dealt with in accordance with the ICBs policy.
75. Being responsible foridentifying quality, efficiency and productivity gains which contribute to theQIPP programme and ensuring that the service delivers all of its QIPP responsibilities.
76. To be responsible for providing guidance andmanagement on the procurement of identified procedures, equipment and servicesfor those eligible for NHS Continuing HealthCare.
77. Ensuring the effectiveapproval, planning and monitoring of discharge pathways relating to complexdischarges which enable timely discharge from hospital and assessment in thecommunity of ongoing care needs and fundingarrangements.
78. Acting in a way that iscompliant with Standing Orders and Standing Financial Instructions in thedischarge of this responsibility.
Person Specification
79. Significant experience of application of commissioning capability across the commissioning cycle including NHS Continuing healthcare and complex need care packages
80. In depth understanding of the background to and aims of current healthcare policy in appreciate the implications of this on engagement
81. Extensive knowledge of clinical quality, risk management, complaints management and statutory requirements for ICBs
82. Experience in establishing & developing relationships between commissioning organisations, commissioned service providers & ensure all relevant contractual requirements are fully applied.
83. Substantial experience of delivering strategic level advice and guidance to senior managers and Directors
84. Experience of employing recognised quality improvement methodologies.
85. Proven record of leading and effectively managing change across organisations.
86. Experience in interpreting and implementation of local, regional and national policy
87. Significant experience of leading change and wider programmes of work across multiple sectors
Skills and Knowledge
88. Extensive knowledge of clinical quality, risk management, complaints management and statutory requirements.
89. Extensive communication skills for delivery of key messages to a range of stakeholders both internal and external (including outside the NHS) to the organisation, some at very senior level.
90. Highly developed experience of working with Local Authorities, Social Care, Voluntary Sector and in-depth knowledge of Personal Health Budgets, market management and social care funding
91. Excellent presentational skills for conveying complex concepts, sensitive & challenging information.
92. Ability to use informed persuasion to influence others, making decisions on behalf of the organisation.
93. Ability to identify risks, anticipate issues and create solutions and to resolve problems in relation to project or service delivery.
94. Skills in understanding and interpreting a broad range of complex information quickly and making decisions where opinions differ/no obvious solution
95. Knowledge of financial and budgetary management
96. Working knowledge of Microsoft Office with intermediate keyboard skills
97. Ability to work within and lead cross functional working and project groups
98. Highly developed communication and influencing skills, with the ability to motivate teams and gain consensus at all levels within the organisation.
99. Awareness of the broad strategic direction of the organisation
100. Excellent listening, communication and presentation skills
101. Excellent writing skills, including the ability to summarise complex information and key issues
102. Strong ability to build relations with internal and external partners which are critical to delivery of CHC across the system.
103. Ability to analyse numerical and written data, assess options to inform high level decision making
104. Demonstrates sound judgement in the absence of clear guidelines or precedent, seeking advice from more senior management as required
105. Evidence of professional registration with NMC
106. Educated to Masters degree or have equivalent level of professional experience at a senior level
107. Post graduate Management qualification
108. Evidence of continued professional development
109. Evidence of an understanding of the background to and aims of current local and national healthcare policy and appreciate the implications of this on engagement.
110. Evidence of quality improvement / project management qualification