Tender review meeting with Contracts Director and Estimator prior to tender submission Project Handover Meeting - Internal with CM/PM/Estimator Attend client pre-start meeting Review and authorise for signature official client orders Issue joinery quantities to suppliers for pricing (update quotes from pre-contract as required) Issue ceiling quantities to procurement for pricing (update quotes from pre-contract as required) Agree prelim expenditure with PM/CM prior to commencement of project Monitor expenditure periodically throughout duration of project Procure labour only Sub Contractors as chosen by CM Procure supply & fix Sub Contractors Arrange and attend Sub-contractor pre-start meeting Ensure insurances are up to date and valid Issue Sub-Contractor Evaluation Form & Self Billing Document Update sub-contrcators CSA periodically Obtain all necessary RAMS etc from supply & fix sub-contractors and submit to client for approval prior to commencement on site Attend design meetings as necessary and monitor any arising variations Issue and monitor RFI's Review Drawing Revisions Prior To External Release & Evaluate Costs Price Client Variations Review Site Audit reports and issue associated costs to client Issue notice to commence to sub-contractors Issue notice of delay to sub-contractors when required Issue clean up notices to sub-contractors when required Cash Flow Projector Apply Value Engineering CVR Submission Monthly CVR Meeting (Includes Production Input) Monthly Sub Contractor Valuation Raise & Issue Sub Contract Payment Notices Instruct Sub Contractor Variations as they occur and prior to commencement. Make any recorded contra charges / deductions Verify Day Work Sheets Issued By Sub-Contractors Valuation Of Day work Sheets Sub Contract Final Account Monthly External Valuation To Client Final Account Agreement including issuing statement to finance Issue application for 1/2 retention at PC Issue application for 1/2 retention following completion of defects (12 months) Car allowance, pension, holidays