The Independent Social Worker (Form F Assessor) is responsible for:
* Initial Assessment visit and completion of initial assessment (where requested)
* Completion of all parts of a full British Association for Adoption & Fostering (BAAF) Form F Assessment on prospective foster carers.
Initial Assessment Visit
Where applicants have made an enquiry/or applied to foster, you may be asked to undertake an Initial Assessment visit to that applicant's home.
This will include:
* Undertaking a thorough initial interview with the applicant. If there are two applicants in one household, both should be included.
* Completing the Initial Assessment pro-forma.
* Ensuring that the room for fostering has been considered carefully, taking into account guidance provided by Cardiff Children's Services.
* Completing reports/documents and returning them to the Panel Administrator.
* Completing any progress reports and returning them to the Panel Administrator.
Form F Assessment
* There should be no less than six home visits, and each visit should be no less than 2 hours long.
* Make contact with the applicant within one week of allocation.
* Set up appointments with the applicant, and ensure visits are carried out on time.
* Support the applicant in completing CRB forms at the first visit.
* Meet with prospective carers.
* See joint applicants separately on at least one occasion.
* See applicants' own children individually, depending on age, to evaluate their understanding of the need for self-protection.
* Contact adult children living away from home.
* Contact ex-partners of applicants regarding all significant relationships.
* Interview any other adult member of the household or significant adult likely to be involved in caring for any children placed.
* Contact Cardiff Children's Services Panel Administrator responsible for checks and advise on whom CRB forms need to be sent.
* If any offences are shown by the Police check, include the applicant's attitude to the offence and explanation in the Form F, and undertake a separate Risk Assessment.
* Respect confidentiality.
* Visit at least three referees (to be decided in advance by Cardiff Children's Services) and evaluate references.
* Provide a report for each referee visit (signed by the referee to confirm they agree it is an accurate representation of their views).
* Make arrangements to visit the applicant's Local Authority to read their file, if possible and applicable.
* Advise the applicant about the process for medical checks, and liaise with Cardiff Children's Services administrative staff about responses received.
* Ensure arrangements for existing foster children are clear; request Cardiff Children's Services Policy on what should happen where there is a child in placement.
* Discuss and evaluate previous fostering experience in depth, including case studies of children.
* If applicants have not had previous fostering experience, discuss and evaluate their previous experience with children alongside their understanding of the fostering task.
* A critical evaluation of strengths and weaknesses in terms of parenting capacity is essential.
* Discuss attitudes to race and culture, gender, sexuality, and disability under family lifestyle.
* If the applicants' interest includes long-term fostering, this should be fully explored and evidenced.
* Recommendations regarding children to be placed should be specific in terms of age and number, assessed in relation to their previous fostering or related experience.
* Evaluate the applicants' understanding/attitude to contact with the birth family.
* All information given should be critically analyzed; the social work assessment should be in depth, with clear reasons for the recommendations.
* Chronology should include months and years.
* Complete the Health & Safety checklist and Safe Caring Plan with the applicants.
* Proofread and check the completed Form F before passing it to Cardiff Children's Services, ensuring all boxes are filled and grammar and spelling are correct.
* Take the completed Form F to carers for agreement and signature.
* Attend regular discussions about progress with the designated manager within Cardiff Children's Services.
* Submit the completed signed Form F to the designated Manager 2 ½ weeks before the Panel date.
* Compile a short profile on the applicants.
Terms and Conditions
The Independent Social Worker (Form F Assessor) is responsible for completing all parts of a full British Association for Adoption & Fostering (BAAF) Form F Assessment on prospective foster carers and presenting this at the Cardiff Children's Services Panel.
The fee for this piece of work is set by the Director and is stated below under Schedule of Fees.
The post holder will be expected to have regular contact with their designated Supervisor at Cardiff Children's Services during the assessment, whereby appropriate consultation will be provided either by telephone or in person.
The Form F should be completed to a professional standard, and any recommendations made by the panel on additional information required should form part of this work, which will be an expectation prior to payment.
Standard of Dress / PPE
* Business Casual
Education & Training
* CQSW, DipSW or BA in Social Work
* Registration with Care Council for Wales / GSCC
Specific Experience
* Knowledge and experience of working with Looked After Children or experience of working within a fostering service.
* Extensive experience of completing in-depth, evidence-based assessments.
* Knowledge of child care legislation, particularly care planning and Child Protection.
* Knowledge and experience of working with children/young people and working in groups.
* Knowledge of National Minimum Standards for Fostering Services and Fostering Services Regulations.
* Excellent communication and administrative skills.