Rainbow Care Servicesis a national provider of high-quality care at home for adults, allowing individuals to stay within their own home to receive person centered care and support. Rainbow Care Services are looking for an outgoing and empathic individual with excellent communication skills who empowers and supports others. Being a care coordinator is about more than just rota management. You will be responsible for supporting the Manager with business growth and ensuring we are always delivering the highest possible standard of care. We pride ourselves on delivering care that truly meets the needs of the individual we support, and your role will be fundamental to ensuring this happens every day by matching clients and carers not only based on availability, but also personality. We provide highly trained care teams to work closely with client in the community. As an organisation we value our people, and we work together to achieve great outcomes for the clients we look after, and we look for people who are like-minded and want to make a difference to peoples lives. What we look for: Good customer services skills Strong organisational and admin skills Someone aligned to our values Previous care or care coordinator experience Someone with good people skills Main responsibilities as a Care Coordinator : Participation in the out of office hours on call back up service as required on a rota basis. Manage the day-to-day operation of the Branch. Monitor the quality of the Service as directed by quality monitoring systems. Ensure home and office files are completed and updated, documenting any changes as necessary. Ensure new files are set up with the relevant documentation prior to the commencement of a new service. Attend Service User reviews as required. Complete care rotas for staff and service users ensuring that all daily care packages are completed and covered on a weekly basis. Ensure all Service Users receive a weekly rota with names and times when staff will be covering their calls. Notifying Service Users of any changes to their weekly rota. Ensure all Health & Safety procedures are implemented, monitored and reviewed. Ensure that the Company Policies and Procedures are available to all employees and are adhered too. Ensure all staff recruitment and selection, poor performance, sickness, absence and conduct issues are dealt with consistently and effectively, according to the Companys Policies and Procedures. Ensure all disciplinary and grievance issues are dealt with promptly and in accordance with the Companys policy and procedure. Carry out investigations and participate in hearings as required. To support the Branch Manager in the recruitment and selection of domiciliary care staff. Ensure all newly recruited care staff complete their induction training, ensuring competencies of all relevant paperwork. To liaise with the Branch Manager on all aspects of the service including, care packages and staffing issues. Conduct regular supervision sessions with care workers, completing relevant documentation and addressing matters arising appropriately. To assist the Branch Manager to produce business plans as required for consideration by the Care Service Director (Scotland). Assist the Branch Manager to ensure that Social Services care package agreements are in place prior to the commencement of the package. To assist the Branch Manager in ensuring contracts and funding arrangements are in place prior to the commencement of the package. In the absence of the Branch Manager, authorise annual leave and/or sick leave prior to sending to Head Office. To assist the Branch Manager in writing reports as and when required and to attend Service User reviews. To liaise with the service user, their families, social workers, GPs, CPNs, District Nurses and other key people regarding any care packages, ensuring their awareness is raised to any changeof circumstance and/or to the initial assessments/care packages. Report any concerns to the Branch Manager regarding Health and Safety at work. To deal promptly and appropriately with any complaints received. To participate in any managers/staff meetings putting items forward for the agenda. ADZN1_UKTJ