A Vacancy at Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust.
Th Post holder will work 28 hours a week - this will be worked over 4 days
The postholder will be required to work effectively, both as anindependent practitionerand as a memberof a paediatric oncologymulti-disciplinary team.
The post holder willbeexpectedtoprovideskilledexcellent,specialistoncologynursingcare and advice. The post holder will empower thechildandtheircarers throughout the duration of their cancer treatment. The post holder will be competent andconfident in delivering care to the child/young person. Thepostholder willberequired toliaiseeffectively with primary treatment centres and other healthcareteamsandactasaresourcetoother healthprofessionals.
Thepostholderwillhelp to ensure that the training and competenceofwardstaff, dayunit staff and community nursing teams is upheld in relation to thecareofchildrenand young peoplewithcancer.
The post holder willbeexpectedtoprovideskilledexcellent,specialistoncologynursingcare and advice. The post holder will empower thechildandtheircarers throughout the duration of their cancer treatment. The post holder will be competent andconfident in delivering care to the child/young person. Thepostholder willberequired toliaiseeffectively with primary treatment centres and other healthcareteamsandactasaresourcetoother healthprofessionals.
Thepostholderwillhelp to ensure that the training and competenceofwardstaff, dayunit staff and community nursing teams is upheld in relation to thecareofchildrenand young peoplewithcancer.
St George’s, Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals and Health Group cares for a population of four million people in South West London and North East Surrey. Our sites include St George’s Hospital, one of 11 major trauma centres in the UK and the largest healthcare provider and major teaching hospital in the area; St Helier Hospital, home to the South West Thames Renal and Transplantation Unit and Queen Mary's Hospital for Children; and Epsom Hospital, home to the South West London Elective Orthopaedic Centre (SWLEOC).
After years of collaboration, our two Trusts became a hospitals group in 2021. While remaining as two separate Trusts, being a hospitals group will help us to collaborate more closely on research, and the development, education, and training of our 17,000-strong workforce.
Clinical Responsibilities
1. To ensure clinical skills are up to date to provide evidence based, competent care for children and young people with cancer
2. Along with the POSCU Lead Nurse, review all paediatric oncology inpatients daily, providing support to the child and family.
3. To provide advice and support to nursing and medical staff
4.Toassistwiththe weeklyoralchemotherapydoseadjustment telephone clinic
5.To assist in the delivery and administration of Intravenous bolus chemotherapy
6.Tocomplete and communicate relevant informationregarding newly referred patients to the cancer services team
7. To assist in collating information and carrying out audits to present at the trust clinical audit meeting
8. Toparticipate inhomevisits, where needed, tocomplete aholistic needsassessment and the start and end of treatment, to explain the POSCU service and provide the child/young person with the POSCU information booklet
Education, Training and Personal Development
1.With the POSCU Lead Nurse, to be responsible for providing Paediatric Oncology training as part of the new nurse's induction
2.With the POSCU Lead Nurse, to be responsible for providing Paediatric Oncology training as part of the new doctor's induction
3.With the POSCU Lead Nurse, to ensure that SACT competencies are completed for all nurses who administer cytotoxic medication
4. To provide advice and training in educational settings with regards to caring for Paediatric Oncology patients
5.To ensure that nursing staff who care for POSCU patients are competent and confident to work with the POSCU, understanding the role of Primary Treatment Centre's, Community Children's Nursing teams and the wider MDT
6.To ensure that Nursing training registers are kept up to date
2.To support children, young people and their families, signposting services and ensuring information is available to them
3.In conjunction with the POSCU Lead Nurse, community nursing team and external symptom care teams, to assist in the care of the child/young person who is receiving end of life care in the home/community setting
4.To refer the Child /young person to relevant charities/organisations to offer them support.
5.To attend the Joint Haemotology/Oncology outpatientclinic with the POSCU Lead Clinician,which is held on the first Monday of each month
6.To produce a 3 monthly POSCU newsletter which is sent to POSCU patients. The POSCU newsletter provides useful information and updates
2.Tosupport thecompletionofthepatient experiencesurvey
Education, Training and Personal Development
1.With the POSCU Lead Nurse, to be responsible for providing Paediatric Oncology training as part of the new nurse's induction
2.With the POSCU Lead Nurse, to be responsible for providing Paediatric Oncology training as part of the new doctor's induction
3.With the POSCU Lead Nurse, to ensure that SACT competencies are completed for all nurses who administer cytotoxic medication
4. To provide advice and training in educational settings with regards to caring for Paediatric Oncology patients
5.To ensure that nursing staff who care for POSCU patients are competent and confident to work with the POSCU, understanding the role of Primary Treatment Centre's, Community Children's Nursing teams and the wider MDT
6.To ensure that Nursing training registers are kept up to date
2.To support children, young people and their families, signposting services and ensuring information is available to them
3.In conjunction with the POSCU Lead Nurse, community nursing team and external symptom care teams, to assist in the care of the child/young person who is receiving end of life care in the home/community setting
4.To refer the Child /young person to relevant charities/organisations to offer them support.
5.To attend the Joint Haemotology/Oncology outpatientclinic with the POSCU Lead Clinician,which is held on the first Monday of each month
6.To produce a 3 monthly POSCU newsletter which is sent to POSCU patients. The POSCU newsletter provides useful information and updates
2.Tosupport thecompletionofthepatient experiencesurvey
This advert closes on Friday 7 Mar 2025