To be the main point of contact for the management of paediatric respiratory physiology service appointments and queries. Management of physiology service waiting lists and referral to treatment target (RTT) Administrative support to the physiology team Act as a link between physiology team and administrative staff for outpatient clinic appointments. Sending reminders and contacting patients prior to clinic appointments Distribution of results to relevant professionals. To provide information on a range of data as required by management team, and to assist in accurate booking of future appointments. Act as contact for professional (UHL and community) enquiries e.g. investigation bookings and results and professional advice. Responsible person for all ad hoc procurements for the service. Work collaboratively with Childrens Hospital Administration colleagues to ensure effective cover for absences. To carry out any other administrative duties deemed necessary as the clinics evolve. To perform support administration duties including: Attending meetings nationally and produce minutes. Maintaining Consultants work diaries. To liaise with the Local Area Team of commissioners directly to produce reports where necessary Ensure that all Consultant and team annual leave and study leave is communicated to the relevant areas and that where appropriate arrangements are made for either cover or reduction of clinics. Typing of clinical correspondence and communications for the whole MDT Minute taking Ensure clinical correspondence is disseminated to all teams looking after the child. Manage a delegated budget for purchase of physical accessories, non-pay items, office equipment and services in accordance with service needs including authorising travel expenses. Achieve a balanced budget or level of expenditure in agreement with the Service Manager. Ensuring effective diary maintenance, room and meeting bookings and other administrative arrangements as required, to enable the clinician to fulfil their role. Any other duties as may be required by the Consultants, Medical Teams, Operational/Service Manager Service Delivery & Development Implementing changes in practice and technology in response to local and corporate drivers e.g. electronic patient records. Governance (E.g, CQC, Audit) To utilise the Trusts Hospital Information System to carry out functions such as entering and updating patient details or clinic appointments, locating patient records and coordinating appointment with colleagues. Patient/Customer Service Evaluate and deal appropriately with all incoming correspondence ensuring that those urgent enquiries are passed to the clinician promptly. This will include an element of autonomous decision making based on the clinicians normal practice. To ensure the highest standards for patient experience, quality and governance are maintained.