This is an exciting opportunity to support the setup of the new provision in Tilbury, Essex, working with the Executive Headteacher and other trust leaders to build a team, and plan and run a transition programme to support pupils and their families. Once open, you will undertake the day-to-day management and leadership of OA - North View by ensuring the vision and values of the trust are embedded and achieved. You will play a vital part in the school as a leader ensuring it is a beacon of best practice in the education and care of pupils who have experienced considerable difficulty in a mainstream school so that they can re-engage with education, make good progress, achieve academically, and, wherever possible, return to a mainstream education. The successful candidate will: • Provide consistent and motivational leadership to the senior team, the teaching and support staff, children, families and the wider community served by OA - North View. • Ensure the successful, day-to-day implementation of an innovative curriculum offer and the day-to-day smooth running of the school. • Ensure the successful delivery on a day-to-day basis of the vision, ethos, aims and objectives as determined with and agreed by the trust. • Ensure that statutory requirements, the decisions of the School Board and Trust, and the needs of the students are met on a day-to-day basis. • Maintain a curriculum model that will address the previous underachievement of children attending OA - North View, re-engage them with learning and ensure rapid progress to the point where they can successfully re-integrate into a mainstream setting. • Ensure the collection, analysis and dissemination of data to drive improvement at OA - North View. • Ensure a range of high-quality, multi-agency services are available to support the educational, behavioural and social needs of children attending OA - North View. • Ensure full, day-to-day compliance with health and safety legislation, including the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, the Health and Safety Policy and all locally agreed safe methods of work. • Promote the trust’s Equal Opportunity Policy and Diversity Strategy, maintain standards of conduct which prevent discrimination from taking place and promote the trust’s policy of inclusion. • Manage the day-to-day development and implementation of policies for OA - North View and ensure that the values, ethos, policies and procedures are fairly and consistently implemented across the school. • Attend, as required, a range of meetings within, and occasionally beyond, the local authority area. • Undertake any other reasonable duties commensurate with the nature and grade of the post at the direction of the Executive Headteacher, school board, CEO or MAT board. • Lead on the overall curriculum design, teaching and learning and promoting the acquisition of appropriate qualifications and accreditation by students. • Prioritise and promote improved attendance, re-integration to school and progression to further education and training. • Provide a broad and balanced curriculum offer with integrated care support as appropriate. • Ensure effective delivery of educational support to each pupil against an agreed individual educational plan or education health and care plan. • Develop and maintain effective assessment, recording and reporting systems to monitor each pupil’s progress across a range of academic, behavioural and social indicators and to improve standards of teaching. • Ensure that each pupil has access to a personalised curriculum offer aligned to their needs. • Lead the day-to-day implementation of policies and procedures for behaviour management, and influence and effect Head of School OA – North View the use of positive strategies by staff and pupils to manage behaviour. • Implement agreed strategies that will promote ‘student voice’ and involve pupils in a meaningful way in the future development of the school, treating them as partners in the learning process. • Maintain high expectations amongst staff for the academic progress of all pupils. • Ensure that OA - North View pupils and their parents are well-informed about curriculum attainment and progress and are able to understand targets for improvement. • To take day-to-day responsibility for behaviour, pastoral care, safeguarding and student progress. • Participate in the recruitment and selection of teaching and support staff. • Provide inspirational leadership and professional guidance for the teaching staff. • Implement the robust performance management policy and processes that will set operational and/or performance goals for all members of staff and which are clearly linked to the long term objectives as set out in the strategic and annual improvement plans. • Contribute to and implement the strategy for classroom observations, linked to the performance management policy, which is focussed on the quality of teaching and learning. • Maintain a working environment that attracts and retains the best staff and volunteers. • Ensure HR policy and procedures are implemented on a day-to-day basis. • Manage the on-going professional development of staff, in alignment with the strategic goals of OA - North View. • Deliver effective day-to-day management of OA - North View’s financial and physical resources. • Contribute to opportunities to enhance and extend resources to further the vision through partnership working, external funding and smart working, as agreed with the Executive Headteacher. • Implement positive solutions to achieving diversity, dignity and equality in all aspects of service delivery and engagement with the broader community. • Act in accordance with legislation pertaining to the conduct of the school, particularly for matters of health and safety and employment rights. Ensure health and safety assessments and the risk assessment of OA - North View’s day-to-day budget are undertaken. • Provide information to the Executive Headteacher during the formation of the annual budget, in order to ensure the school achieves its objectives. • Ensure the most effective day-to-day deployment of staff to achieve the highest quality of education and value for money. • Plan, manage and monitor the curriculum within the agreed budget, setting appropriate priorities for expenditure, allocating funds and ensuring effective administration and control. • Contribute to opportunities to enhance and extend resources to further the vision through partnership working, external funding, and smart working, as agreed with the Executive Headteacher. • Implement positive solutions to achieving diversity, dignity and equality in all aspects of service delivery and engagement with the broader community. • Act in accordance with legislation pertaining to the conduct of the school, particularly for matters of health and safety and employment rights. Ensure health and safety assessments and the risk assessment of Olive - North View’s day-to-day budget are undertaken. • Plan, manage and monitor the curriculum within the agreed budget, setting appropriate priorities for expenditure, allocating funds and ensuring effective administration and control. • Take day-to-day responsibility for the communication with parents, carers and external agencies. • Create strong links and collaborative ways of working with all OA - North View’s stakeholders including the wider community, partner schools (primary and secondary) and sponsor organisations, ensuring OA - North View is at the heart of the community. Head of School OA – North View • Recruit pupils by developing effective partnership arrangements with local schools and robust procedures for the commissioning of places at OA - North View. • Work with OA - North View’s stakeholders and partners to achieve common goals. • Contribute to working with Children’s Services in the local authority in support of the achievement of transformation of educational opportunities for disaffected and vulnerable pupils. • Offer a wide range of curriculum enrichment activities and promote the opportunities provided for pupils and families and the school community. • Manage the day-to-day partnerships and opportunities for collaboration with local industries to support pupils developing awareness of the world of work. • Work collaboratively with local schools in order to share expertise and bring positive benefits to the school. • Provide information, objective advice and support to the Executive Headteacher so the School Board can be enabled to meet its responsibilities for securing effective teaching and learning; high achievement and value for money. • Contribute to accurate accounts of the school performance in a form appropriate to a range of audiences e.g. governors, trust members, commissioners and parents. • Contribute to monitoring of the performance of the school, so it is effectively measured against transparent targets so that strategic planning is based on reliable data and shared knowledge. • Participate in, and personally conduct, common systems of performance management and appraisal and set performance indicators that will promote continuous improvement against evidenced outcomes. • Ensure any necessary conduct or capability proceedings are taken forward in a timely and appropriate manner, under the direction of the Executive Headteacher. • Ensure that all day-to-day activities operate in accordance with statutory obligations and appropriate commissioning, especially where third party agencies are engaged. • Have regard to all DfE Statutory Guidance concerning alternative provision and provision for pupils with medical difficulties and work to ensure compliance with legislation concerning full-time provision. • Contribute to preparations for inspections by the trust, auditors, Ofsted, HSE, etc. • Take day-to-day responsibility for ensuring data quality and as such the integrity of management information through the proper use and safekeeping of data and record systems both manual and computerised.