If you have electrical work available, then you are in the correct forum.
Post details of the position you have on offer in this forum. Domestic/homeowners are also welcome to post electrical work they have available on their property.
Looking for electrical sub-contractor - Brighton
This electrician job is going for grabs. Please don't post contact details in this area of the forum. Use the forum messaging system instead.
* Description of Work: Installation of 230v operated, radio linked smoke, heat & CO2 detection in sheltered housing accommodation, linked to the warden call system.
* Worker Qualifications:
o 1. Qualified electrician able to sign off on minor works certificates under Part P.
o 2. Electrician Mate.
* Additional Notes: A two-person team required to self-manage access to multiple dwellings per day, liaising with sheltered housing managers and our own works foreman. We have 178 dwellings to install EI/AICO smoke, heat and CO2 detection into before the end of the financial year.
* All parts and installation peripherals will be supplied.
* Team will need their own tools and multi-function test meter and will be given access to our NICEIC portal to sign off minor works.
* Engineers must have an asbestos awareness or NNLW certificate.
Thanks for the job. If anyone is interested in the job, please click here to send a PM.