The Associate Designated Clinical Officer (Associate DCO) for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) will ensure the Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Board (CWICB) complies with the legislation and spirit of the SEND Code of Practice leading to improved outcomes for children and young people with SEND. Working across the two local authorities of Coventry and Warwickshire, the Associate DCO will act as operational and clinical lead for SEND. They will ensure that agencies have and follow operational policies and protocols that facilitate joined-up and effective partnership working. The Associate DCO will advise and work on individual cases to ensure the health needs of children, young people and young adults with SEND are being met. They will act as decision-maker at High Needs Panels, to be the point of contact in cases of parent/carer/young person appeals, to be the point of contact in cases of children and young people who are new to the city and require provision in an EHCP to be adopted, to meet with local specialist collages to agree and source health provision within post-16 EHCPs and to organise and attend the ICBs preparation for both area Ofsted/CQC SEND inspections, engagement meetings and follow on action working parties. The Associate DCO will remain up-to-date and respond flexibly to changing government SEND requirements and SEND frameworks and have a commitment to tackling health inequalities. The Associate DCO will work closely with partners to improve quality of life, reduce school absences, improve mental and physical health, increase personal autonomy and increase involvement in further education and employment, independent living, and community inclusion.