The successful candidate will be expected to integrate into the working of the respiratory department but also to develop their own interests. We are looking to attract an enthusiastic candidate with a wide experience of respiratory and general medicine. The job plan is illustrative of current working and that meets the needs of the Trust.
The Trust is open to accommodating the interests and skillset of the candidate. Currently, the post holder will be expected to do most of their clinical work at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital site. Contribution to an out of hours on call rota is core to this role.
Clinical Responsibilities
* Support the Respiratory Medicine service in clinics, wards and for in-patient and out-patient procedures.
* Have excellent team-working skills with the abilities and professional attitude to work well in a multi-professional team.
* Deliver clinical and quality targets agreed both nationally and locally with clinical teams, operational managers and commissioners.
* Follow patients throughout their clinical pathways.
A formal job plan will be agreed between the successful candidate and their Clinical Director and consultant colleagues on behalf of the Medical Director within 3 months of starting in post. A full-time job plan is based on a 10 PA working week. The job plan is a prospective agreement that sets out the Consultant’s duties, responsibilities, and objectives for the coming year. It covers all aspects of a Consultant’s professional practice including clinical work, teaching, research, education and managerial responsibilities. It will provide a clear schedule of commitments, both internal and external and will include personal objectives, detailing links to wider service improvements and trust strategic priorities.
For a full-time contract, the job plan will be divided on average per week (pro-rata for a part time post) as:
* 7.5 Programmed Activities (PAs) of Direct Clinical Care – includes clinical activity, clinically related activity and predictable and unpredictable emergency work.
* 2.5 Supporting Professional Activities (SPAs) - includes CPD, audit, teaching and research.
If additional hours are worked, consideration will be given to time off in lieu (TOIL) in place of additional payments if requested.