Job title: Teaching Assistant
Reports to: Headteacher
General duties
· Assist teaching staff to prepare classrooms for lessons and activities.
· Assist with school trips, events and activities.
· Encourage pupils to interact with others and engage in activities led by teaching staff.
· Supervise pupils’ work and offer support where necessary.
· Provide administrative and clerical support to teaching staff and other TAs regarding lesson planning and resources.
· Monitor the needs and behaviour of pupils, and report these to teaching staff where appropriate.
· Undertake pupil record keeping as requested, e.g. taking registers.
· Assist teaching staff and other TAs with creating and maintaining displays throughout the school.
· Establish and maintain constructive relationships with pupils’ parents and deliver pastoral support as required.
· Be a good role model to pupils in terms of behaviour and attitude.
· Provide teaching cover as and when required.
· Take a lead role in supporting pupils with SEND.
· Work independently and collaboratively with teaching staff in the planning and preparation of resources and delivery of the curriculum.
· Advise, demonstrate and assist in the safe and effective use of specialist equipment and resources.
· Be proactive in managing pupil behaviour.
Supporting the school
· Contribute to the ethos, value and aims of the school.
· Comply with all relevant legislation and school policies, including those relating to safeguarding, health and safety and data protection.
· Promote inclusion and acceptance of all pupils.
· Assist with the supervision of pupils out of lesson times, including before and after school and at lunchtimes.
· Maintain good working relationships with other staff members and keyholders, including parents and external agencies.
· Share expertise and skills with other staff members.
· Participate in meetings as required.
· Undertake any duties which may reasonably fall within the level of responsibility and the competence of the post, as directed by the headteacher .
· Work with line managers on timetable arrangements.
Teaching and learning
· Develop a secure knowledge of the learning support needs of individual pupils.
· Identify where pupils are struggling, e.g. engaging with a particular topic, and support them in understanding the information and complete the work.
· Support the use of ICT and computing in learning activities, and develop pupils’ competence and independence in its use.
· Undertake activities set by teaching staff with individuals, or groups of pupils, to support pupils’ learning.
· Assist teaching staff to implement a variety of teaching strategies that support pupils in achieving their learning goals.
· Assist teaching staff and the SENCO with the creation of individual learning plans for pupils.
· Provide new and ongoing support for individuals or groups of pupils who need extra interventions to achieve their potential.
· Provide support to pupils in specialist areas of learning as required.
· Implement individual support for pupils based on their needs and circumstances, e.g. deliver support in line with a pupil’s EHC plan.
· Determine the need for specialist equipment and resources to support pupils’ learning.
· Modify teaching and adapt activities to suit pupils’ individual needs.
· Identify ways to improve pupil performance.
· Assess, record and report on the progress of pupils and use this information to extend their learning.
Communication and coordination
· Work closely with teaching staff, other TAs and the SENCO to close the attainment gap between individual pupils, groups of pupils, and their peers.
· Assist the SENCO in the production of a timetable that ensures pupils are not repeatedly missing the same lesson to join interventions.
· Contribute towards pupils’ annual reviews and report on the effectiveness of the interventions in place.
· Assist in arranging extra time and access arrangements, as appropriate, where external examinations or tests are administered.
· Liaise with the SENCO regularly to review the progress of individual pupils with SEND and the overall SEND provision in the school.
· Assist in the coordination and provision of interventions for named pupils or groups of pupils.
Professional development
· Participate in training and other professional development as required.
· Provide the school with feedback on any training or professional development undertaken.
· Report professional development progress to an assigned mentor and set goals for further professional development.