To work with theHead of School: To provide effective clinical leadership,contributingtothestrategic development of Yorkshire and the Humber Deanery. To contribute to the vision of thelocalNHS andtoenhance patient care byprovidingleadership and directionwith respect to the quality ofeducation and training. To be an advocateand a positive role model on behalf of Yorkshire and the Humber Deanery,by promotingleadership that inspires, motivates and empowers all staff,and demonstrating the values of the NHS. To work on behalf ofYorkshire and the Humber Deanery,providing expertadviceon specialty-specificmatters. To work locally with key groups and stakeholders,toattend and host events across the regions, to develop key liaisonsand toensure effectivelocal engagement and responsivenessin line with the culture of Yorkshire and the Humber Deanery. To review howmulti-professionalhealthcare teams interact and identify opportunities for different healthcare professions to work more effectively together through education and training. Towork with providers and others tosupport and capture innovation locally and ensurenationaland localconversations develop best practice. Corporateleadership To supportdelivery of thespecialty-specificaspects of theYorkshire and the Humber Deanery mandate through local initiatives and programmes. Involvement in Programmes and Projects Tosupportwork programmeson behalf of Yorkshire and the Humber Deanery thatsupport local and national developments and initiatives. Commitment to national vision, policies and processes for effective educational quality management Leadership and Management Leading on all TPD activities across the region Ensuring that trainee rotations and placements are managed in accordance with Code of Practice guidance Quality and safety To work closely withthe Head of Schooltosupportimplementation ofthe Yorkshire and the Humber Deanery Quality Framework and: Education and Training Quality Improvement and Performance To emphasise the importance and promote the development of a quality learning environment for all learners. Patient Safety andHealthcare Quality Improvement Tosupportthedevelopment of quality processes which are complementaryacross the healthcareworkforce. To support the use of clinical skills training and simulation(where appropriate/applicable), stressing the importance of teamwork and human factors. School Programme Management To overseeSchoolprogramme managementandadvisethe Head of Schoolon the following matters: Specialty-specific matters and trainee/trainer concerns; Recruitment totraining postsand programmes; To use our educational resources to support learners within programmes to fulfil their full potential. Postgraduate programme management, including assessments, progression, rotations, support and remediation, OOP management, trainee management, careers support, less than full-time training, inter-deanery transfer, academic training and other related work-streams. Secondments Applicants from within the NHS will be offered on a secondment basis only, agreement should be obtained from their employer prior to submitting the application.