Adults Social Worker, Bolton Pay rate, £30 per hour Vitalis Social Care are recruiting for an experienced and qualified Social Worker to join an Adults Safeguarding Team in the Bolton authority. This role will involve working as a duty work screening safeguarding referrals, approximately 2 days per week; and also holding your own Section 42 enquiries, Section 42, Care Act 2014. The ideal candidate will be required to follow the safeguarding policy and procedure in Bolton and to have knowledge of the Mental Capacity Act, as MCA assessments and Best Interests decisions also form a large part of the work that we do. Please contact Molly Rylance on 07815461919 or email for more information. We recruit across all areas of Qualified Social Work. If you are a Social Worker and this isn’t the role for you, contact us about other roles including IRO, BIA, MASH, LAC, Children’s Social Work, Adult Social Work, Service Manager, Head of Service, Team Manager and Assistant Team Manager.