Job summary
The Annandale Medical Centre is looking for a part-time PracticeNurse who will work as an integral part of the nursing team, using their skillsand knowledge to offer holistic care to our registered patients.
Main duties of the job
The post-holder will be involved in Childhood Immunisation,Adult Vaccinations, cervical screening, management of long term conditions andNHS Health checks etc.
You will perform a wide variety of nursing duties according to skills andprovide a caring and empathetic approach to the role.. Chronic The post holder should be fully qualified, computer literate (preferably withexperience of EMIS WEB) and have at least two years primary care Practice Nursingexperience.
You must have excellent communication skills, be organised, workwell under pressure and enjoy working flexibly within a multi-disciplinary teamsetting. You should be able to multi task and show initiative.
About us
We are afriendly practice of approx. 7800 patients working in purpose built premises with afull complement of clinical and administrative staff.
We are seeking amotivated, reliable, conscientious and committed individual who can make avaluable contribution to the team. Youwill be working as part of our multi-disciplinary team to deliver a strong andsupportive nursing service. You will perform a wide variety of nursing dutiesaccording to skills and provide a caring and empathetic approach to the role.
Job description
Job responsibilities
Job Summary:
1. To provide nursing services to patients of the practiceincluding treatment, screening and advice within the professional competence ofthe post holder.
2. To work independently in the surgery in the absence of aGP, possessing the initiative and confidence necessary to do so.
3. To have charge of the treatment room, maintain anadequate level of supplies including vaccines and be responsible for cleaningand sterilisation of instruments.
4. All duties will be carried out in accordance with the NMCCode of Professional Conduct and with regard to the various practice protocols.
1 Principal Duties and Areas of Responsibilities:
1. Vaccination and Immunisation
To administer children and adults immunisations as perthe NHS guidelines.
Will require knowledge of the implications ofimmunisation and of the contraindications.
Required to follow protocols and use knowledge andexperience to determine whether to immunise.
To provide appropriate health advice and immunisationfor travellers.
2 Diagnostic Testing, Screening and Health Promotion
To select, carry out and interpret results of specifictests within the agreed protocols of the practice, referring immediately whennecessary.
To provide general and specific health screening to thepractice population (within agreed protocols), with referral to the GP(s) asnecessary.
To undertake registration and over 75 year Health Checkswithin agreed protocols.
To assist in the provision of Health Promotion andChronic Disease Management activities, dietary advice, hypertension,asthma and diabetes.
To advise on breast awareness, hormone replacementtherapy and to take swabs and cervical smears where appropriate.
3 Administration
To maintain adequate stocks of Childhood Immunisations,Travel vaccinations, Emergency drugs etc.
To maintain accurate patient records in notes and enteronto the computer.
To collect data and participate in regular practiceaudit and research projects.
To liaise with the Practice Manager with regard toclaims for the ordering of appropriate Childhood Immunisations, Travelvaccinations, Emergency drugs etc.
To enter cytology results in the appropriate record bookand on the computer; inform patients promptly with abnormal results of theappropriate action needed.
To monitor and maintain cytology and childhoodimmunisation uptake in order to achieve maximum target levels.
4 Education
To maintain continuous professional development in linewith the requirements of the practice.
To participate in the training of other personnel asappropriate.
To contribute to the preparation of the Practice andProfessional Development Plan.
To contribute to the training of other members of thepractice team including medical students.
5 Personnel
To maintain yearly registration with the NMC.
To be conversant with the NMC Code of ProfessionalConduct and understand the importance of professional accountability.
To maintain indemnity insurance for all clinical workunder taken.
Health and Safety:
Under the provisions contained in the Health & Safety atWork Act 1974, it is the duty of every employee to:
- Take reasonable care of themselves and others at work
- Co-operate with the practice as far as is necessary toenable them to carry out their legal duty
- Not to intentionally or recklessly interfere with anythingprovided; including personal protective equipment, for health and safety orwelfare at work.
This job description may need to be reviewed from time totime as the practice develops.
Person Specification
1. NMC registered practice nurse
2. Disease management including Diabetes - COPD - Asthma
3. Contraception & HRT
4. EMIS trained
5. The post holder should be fully qualified, computer literate (preferably with experience of EMIS WEB) and have at least two years of primary care Practice Nursing experience.
6. Primary care Practice Nursing experience of over 5 years.