Band 5 To consolidate the theory and practice acquired during midwifery training in order to maintain a high standard of midwifery care at all times with the support of the multi-disciplinary team around you. You will be facilitated to acquire additional competencies in preparation to become a band 6 midwife through the support of colleagues and your own initiative and proactivity. Band 6 To deliver total care to mother and babies within the hospital environment as required to meet individual needs ensuring high standards of evidence based midwifery care at all times. As a teaching hospital we expect you to provide support both educationally and clinically to students and colleagues alike. You are empowered to develop as a band 6 in the direction that you wish and will be supported with your own personal and professional development needs, enabling further progression. As well as rotational midwives, we would support band 6 midwives who wish to be core members of the midwifery team in specific areas to enable better job satisfaction, development and improvement initiatives and ultimately improving patient experience and care given. please see job description/person specification for further details on the role