An apprenticeship with Harvills Hawthorn Primary School is the perfect way to help you decide what job you may want in the future. This opportunity will provide real work experience at the same time as gaining qualifications.
£11,778 a year
The apprenticeship national minimum wage (NMW) increases to £7.55 per hour, from 1/4/25.
Training course
Early years practitioner (level 2)
Monday - Friday, Exact times/shifts to be confirmed.
30 hours a week
Possible start date
Tuesday 22 April
1 year 3 months
Positions available
As an apprentice, you’ll work at a company and get hands-on experience. You’ll gain new skills and work alongside experienced staff.
What you’ll do at work
As a member of the school's EYFS team, your main jobs and duties will consist of:
The duties of the post will include:
* The post holder will help support a warm and welcoming environment within a childcare setting, where young children and their families can feel valued and obtain positive help and support
* To assist with all aspects of organising activities and supervising children within the EYFS play environment
* To help plan and provide stimulating learning experiences enabling young children to grow in confidence and independence
* To monitor and track children’s development and have responsibility for a small key group
* Participate in staff meetings as and when required
* To help provide cover for practitioners within the team as necessary working with all age ranges
* Responsible for ensuring the learning environment is cleaned and tidied at the end of each session
* Undertaking duties on a rota basis during mid-morning, lunchtime and mid-afternoon breaks
* Adhere to policies and procedures in accordance with OFSTED, with regards to adequate record keeping
* To support the development of strong partnerships with parents/carers and recognise the importance of involving parents/carers in all aspects of a child's work
* To ensure that in line with safeguarding/child protection procedures, all concerns are reported to the appropriate person in a sensitive and confidential manner
It is your responsibility to carry out your duties in line with the school's policy on equality and be sensitive and caring to the needs of the disadvantaged, promoting a positive approach to a harmonious working environment. You should act as an exemplar on these issues and should identify and monitor training for yourself and any employees for whom you are responsible, in line with this policy, the Equality Standard and obligations under the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000.
The post holder must always carry out his/her responsibilities with due regard to the school's policy, organisation and arrangements for Health and Safety at Work.
Where you’ll work
Wolseley Road
West Bromwich
B70 0NG
An apprenticeship includes regular training with a college or other training organisation. At least 20% of your working hours will be spent training or studying.
College or training organisation
Your training course
Early years practitioner (level 2)
Equal to GCSE
Course contents
* Support babies and young children through a range of transitions.e.g moving onto school, moving house or the birth of a sibling
* Recognise when a child is in danger, at risk of serious harm or abuse and explain the procedures to be followed to protect them. Types of abuse including: domestic, neglect, physical, emotional, and sexual abuse.
* Identify risks and hazards in the work setting and during off site visits.relating to both children and staff
* Demonstrate skills and understanding for the prevention and control of infection, including hand washing, food preparation and hygiene, dealing with spillages safely, safe disposal of waste, using correct personal protective equipment.
* Use equipment, furniture and materials safely, following the manufacturers’ instructions and setting’s requirements.
* Encourage children to be aware of personal safety and the safety of others and develop personal hygiene practices (including oral hygiene).
* Promote health and wellbeing in settings by encouraging babies and young children to consume healthy and balanced meals, snacks and drinks appropriate for their age and be physically active through planned and spontaneous activity throughout the day, both indoors and outdoors.
* Carry out respectful care routines appropriate to the development, stage, dignity and needs of the child, including eating (feeding and weaning/complimentary feeding), nappy changing procedures, potty/toilet training, care of skin, teeth and hair and rest and sleep provision.
* Communicate with all children in ways that will be understood, including verbal and non-verbal communication.
* Extend children’s development and learning through verbal and non-verbal communication.
* Encourage babies and young children to use a range of communication methods.
* Use a range of communication methods to exchange information with children and adults.
* Work with colleagues to identify and plan enabling environments, activities (both indoors and outdoors), play opportunities and educational programmes (both adult led and child initiated) to support children’s holistic development through a range of play, creativity, social development and learning.
* Implement and review activities to support children’s play, creativity, social development and learning and clear up after activities.
* Observe children, assess, plan and record the outcomes, sharing results accurately and confidentially in line with expected statutory framework and setting’s requirements.
* Use learning activities to support early language development.
* Support children’s early interest and development in mark making, writing, reading and being read to.
* Support children’s interest and development in mathematical learning including numbers, number patterns, counting, sorting and matching.
* Support the assessment, planning, implementation and reviewing (the graduated approach) of each baby’s and young child's individual plan for their care and participation.
* Work in ways that value and respect the developmental needs and stages of babies and children.
* Use feedback, mentoring and/or supervision to identify and support areas for development, goals and career opportunities.
* Work co-operatively with colleagues, other professionals and agencies to meet the needs of babies and young children and enable them to progress.
* Work alongside parents and/or carers and recognise their role in the baby’s/child’s health, well-being, learning and development.
* Encourage parents and/or carers to take an active role in the baby’s/child’s care, play, learning and development.
* Demonstrate how to share information with parents/carers about the importance of healthy balanced diets, looking after teeth and being physically active.
* Support babies and young children through a range of transitions.e.g moving onto school, moving house or the birth of a sibling
* Recognise when a child is in danger, at risk of serious harm or abuse and explain the procedures to be followed to protect them. Types of abuse including: domestic, neglect, physical, emotional, and sexual abuse.
* Identify risks and hazards in the work setting and during off site visits.relating to both children and staff
* Demonstrate skills and understanding for the prevention and control of infection, including hand washing, food preparation and hygiene, dealing with spillages safely, safe disposal of waste, using correct personal protective equipment.
* Use equipment, furniture and materials safely, following the manufacturers’ instructions and setting’s requirements.
* Encourage children to be aware of personal safety and the safety of others and develop personal hygiene practices (including oral hygiene).
* Promote health and wellbeing in settings by encouraging babies and young children to consume healthy and balanced meals, snacks and drinks appropriate for their age and be physically active through planned and spontaneous activity throughout the day, both indoors and outdoors.
* Carry out respectful care routines appropriate to the development, stage, dignity and needs of the child, including eating (feeding and weaning/complimentary feeding), nappy changing procedures, potty/toilet training, care of skin, teeth and hair and rest and sleep provision.
* Communicate with all children in ways that will be understood, including verbal and non-verbal communication.
* Extend children’s development and learning through verbal and non-verbal communication.
* Encourage babies and young children to use a range of communication methods.
* Use a range of communication methods to exchange information with children and adults.
* Work with colleagues to identify and plan enabling environments, activities (both indoors and outdoors), play opportunities and educational programmes (both adult led and child initiated) to support children’s holistic development through a range of play, creativity, social development and learning.
* Implement and review activities to support children’s play, creativity, social development and learning and clear up after activities.
* Observe children, assess, plan and record the outcomes, sharing results accurately and confidentially in line with expected statutory framework and setting’s requirements.
* Use learning activities to support early language development.
* Support children’s early interest and development in mark making, writing, reading and being read to.
* Support children’s interest and development in mathematical learning including numbers, number patterns, counting, sorting and matching.
* Support the assessment, planning, implementation and reviewing (the graduated approach) of each baby’s and young child's individual plan for their care and participation.
* Work in ways that value and respect the developmental needs and stages of babies and children.
* Use feedback, mentoring and/or supervision to identify and support areas for development, goals and career opportunities.
* Work co-operatively with colleagues, other professionals and agencies to meet the needs of babies and young children and enable them to progress.
* Work alongside parents and/or carers and recognise their role in the baby’s/child’s health, well-being, learning and development.
* Encourage parents and/or carers to take an active role in the baby’s/child’s care, play, learning and development.
* Demonstrate how to share information with parents/carers about the importance of healthy balanced diets, looking after teeth and being physically active.
Your training plan
* At the end you will gain a Level 2 Early Years Practitioner Apprenticeship Standard
* This will include any Functional Skills as appropriate
The apprenticeship training will be delivered in the workplace, as you will receive visits from a college assessor.
The apprenticeship will also include a proportion of 20% off the job Training and a robust programme of mandatory apprentice training provided by Sandwell Council to include Workplace Professionalism and Equality and Diversity.
Essential qualifications
GCSE in:
* English (grade A*-C/9-4 or equivalent)
* Maths (grade A*-C/9-4 or equivalent)
Let the company know about other relevant qualifications and industry experience you have. They can adjust the apprenticeship to reflect what you already know.
* Communication skills
* Attention to detail
* Organisation skills
* Customer care skills
* Logical
* Team working
* Creative
* Initiative
* Non judgemental
* Patience
* Outgoing
* Knowledge of safeguarding
* Hardworking
* Willing to learn
* Well-presented
* Flexible
Other requirements
You must be willing to shadow senior staff, attend relevant training and be flexible to support the needs of the post. You will need to have a due regard for Safeguarding and Child Protection, therefore you will be required to undertake an Enhanced DBS Check prior to commencing in the post. Annual leave must be taken outside of term time only.