The NSD Audit Manager principal tasks are:
To manage and lead the CESO(N) Audit Team to provide, independent to chain of command, advice and assurance of Safety, Health and Environmental Protection Management to the Senior Duty Holder and the relevant Heads of Directorates via CESO(N).
To be a Subject Matter Expert (SME) for advice & guidance on policy for HS&EP matters as they affect Navy Command, in order to ensure compliance with UK, and where required host nation, legislative and MOD policy requirements.
To undertake 2* Accountable Person Directorate and specific functional audits as directed by CESO (N) to provide an assurance read out.
To represent CESO(RN) at Committees, Meetings and Groups as required.
To manage a team of 11 which compromise of Royal Navy, Royal Marines, Royal Fleet Auxiliary and Civil Servants.