Main purpose of the job: To Liaise closely with SCC 0-19 Safeguarding Team and the local commissioned health children in care team, to ensure structure, processes and policies are in place to plan, manage, and monitor the delivery of effective health care to all children aged 5-16 years who are in care. To work as an autonomous nurse and complete annual review health assessments (RHA) for school aged children and Young People. To attend children in care annual review meetings and when appropriate provide a school nurse intervention when a health need is identified. To provide appropriate early intervention where appropriate to support the health and emotional well-being needs of children and young people aged 5-16. To be the lead nurse for all children and young people in care aged 5 to 16 years within Southend-On-Sea. To work in partnership with a wide range of professionals including but not limited to GPs, Health Visitors, School Nurses, commissioned health children in care team, Community services, Children services, supporting families and mental health services. Ensuring that children and young peoples health needs are supported, and safeguarding maintained. The post holder will complete the reports for looked after child/young people meetings and attend the child looked after meetings if identified health needs can be met by a School Nursing Intervention. To maintain an excellent standard of records for the service. To promote and upskill the Southend City Council Children and Young People and Families Public Health service and other agencies regarding this client group. Completion of safeguarding health needs assessments to support in the identification of health needs and inform a personalised plan of care/interventions in collaboration with the child, young person, and their parent/carer. To support effective service responses and pathways where there are multi-agency service interfaces required. It is recognised that children and young people within this client group often present with complex and/or enduring needs which require a multidisciplinary and flexible approach in the aim of recognising and addressing barriers to services and reducing health inequalities. Due to these factors, children and young people in this client group may be at increased vulnerability. To promote and upskill the Southend Children, Young People & Family Public Health service (0-19 team) and other agencies regarding this client group. See attached job description for full information