Betty Behrens Research Fellowship at Clare Hall
Tenable from October 2025
Clare Hall is pleased to announce a three-year stipendiary Betty Behrens Research Fellowship to commence in October 2025. The Fellowship was funded to encourage research into the causes of, and/or the ways of mitigating, those forms of anti-social behaviour (including such as result from personality defects and disorders) which cause severe unhappiness to, and/or frustrate the talents or capacities of, those who suffer with them. Applicants must be working in an area of research that is likely to meet the above criteria; recent Betty Behrens Fellows have worked in criminology and developmental psychology.
Research Fellowships are primarily intended to provide opportunities for scholars at an early stage of their academic careers, usually with up to 5 years post-doctoral research, to establish and pursue their research in a supportive academic environment.
The fellowship is funded for a maximum period of 36-months. The annual stipend is £37,233.09 (subject to annual inflation review for October 2025).
All Fellows qualify for an allowance of free meals. Limited accommodation is available on a charged rental basis for single persons, couples and families in the College. Research Fellows have no college teaching duties. They are, however, members of the College Governing Body, and may serve on other College committees. Research Fellows are required to live in Cambridge during Full Term but leave may be granted to work away if necessary.
The successful candidate is expected to be a graduate student who has recently completed or who is about to complete their PhD, or a researcher with some initial post-doctoral experience. (As a minimum, the thesis must be submitted by the closing date for applications.) There is no restriction on age, sex or previous standing, except that candidates may not already have held a Research Fellowship at a college of either the University of Oxford or the University of Cambridge, and preference may be given to candidates who are at a relatively early stage of their research career.
Applications will be examined by the College Fellows and external expert readers. The final choice, however, will be approved by the Governing Body, and the research proposal should therefore be written so as to convey to the non-specialist something of the interest and importance of the topic. Short-listed candidates will be called for interview.
Each applicant will be asked to also provide a statement from the proposed Head of Department or Faculty in support of affiliation of the Research Fellow with the Department or Faculty, confirming that appropriate facilities and resources would be made available.
Applications must include the following documents in PDF and must be made online using the following link.
* Letter of application: Please provide a 1-page cover letter for your application that includes your name, your field of research, and information about your PhD (awarding institution, date of conferral, title of thesis, name and department of supervisor).
* CV: Please provide a 2-page CV (curriculum vitae) and a separate list of your publications.
* Personal Statement: In not more than one page, please provide a narrative detailing: your research career to date and longer-term plans; a description of your research suitable for a lay audience; your motivation for wishing to join the Clare Hall community.
* Proposed Research: Please describe in two pages (not more than 1500 words) the nature of your proposed research in Cambridge, which should cover Title, Background, Research Questions, Methodology, Expected Outcomes and References and also be accessible to an academic audience from outside the field.
* Work Sample: A copy of a paper, book or thesis chapter that you consider to be a representative example of your research to date. If co-authored, please include a statement detailing your contribution to the work.
* Head of Department Statement of Support + 3 reference letters
The closing date for receipt of applications is 2nd February 2025 and for references is 9th February 2025. Interviews are to be held on 26th and 27th February 2025, with decisions communicated in early March.
The College will NOT solicit references. It is therefore applicants’ responsibility to insert the email address of referees allowing adequate time for their response before their deadline. The referees will be contacted automatically by the online Fellowship Application System, CASC once the application is submitted by the candidate.
Clare Hall is an equal opportunities employer.