The post holder will have the ability to plan and prioritise their own workload on a day-to-day basis. To maintain the electronic diaries for Specialists, organise appointments and the allocation of their time to reflect priorities and demands of their workloads. To organise meetings including Best Interest Meetings, meetings, Risk Management meetings, Care Planning meetings and provide all administrative duties associated with these meetings, including sending invitations, distribution of agenda, associated paperwork, take and transcribe minutes and follow up action points. To organise appointments as appropriate, liaising with patients, patient family members and other services. Liaise with Multi-Disciplinary Teams to arrange assessments etc as directed by the Specialist. Provide administration support including recording details on Dentally. Administrative support for Specialists appraisal. Arrange teaching sessions etc for Specialists as appropriate. The post holder will have knowledge of Dental and medical terminology. The post holder will have the knowledge and experience to deal with difficult enquiries and situations. The post holder will maintain accurate, timely electronic records and ensure that they are kept safely in accordance with Livewell Southwest polices, including the Data Protection Act and the Livewell Southwest Confidentiality Policy. To work collaboratively with other administration staff for Dental, including taking telephone calls, supporting colleagues during periods of high demand ensuring the team runs smoothly. To receive incoming mail, telephone calls and initiate action as required Accurate audio transcription of various documents including patient letters, assessments, discharge summaries and reports in preparation for Hearings, ensuring deadlines are met. To maintain sensitive and confidential information and filing systems. To maintain, always, the highest level of confidentiality in respect of information concerning the Livewell Southwest or any of its staff or patients. The post holder will be able to provide non-clinical advice and information with regards to appointments and visitors to the unit. The post holder will undertake surveys/audits as required including staff surveys