Oversee and develop administration and reception teams Manage annual leave and staff rotas ensuring there is adequate reception cover throughout the year. Conduct annual administration and reception staff appraisals. Staff sickness and absence monitoring though our TeamNet software system. Assist in the recruitment and selection of new staff Advertising and interview coordination including creation of interview packs. Staff induction ensure all induction processes are carried out and relevant paperwork completed. Assist in creating new user accounts ensuring each new member of staff has the correct level of access to IT systems. Develop staff training and learning programs including induction and training of new staff Ensure all training is relevant and up to date. Complete training competencies booklet for individual staff members. Information technology and digital lead Undertake the role of digital champion. Oversee and develop appointment book using Emis Web software system. Lead on IT and digital initiatives in conjunction with the practice manager, Including the development of workflow process for QOF and Enhanced Services. Development of practice website ensuring all information is relevant and up to date. Provide support with practice compliance and facilities management Conduct regular audits of medicines compliance and assist in the development of efficient process for compliance. Manage property maintenance and repairs Ensure the surgery is a safe, secure and enjoyable environment for patients and staff. Manage general property compliance including fire safety, legionella management, waste management, cleaning and infection control. Lead on patient engagement and Patient Participation Group (PPG) Attend quarterly PPG meetings alongside practice manager and implementation of learning points. Development and promotion of NHS app. Conduct patient surveys as and when required.