The Post holder could expect to cover the following duties: Management of inpatients on the 43-bed Stroke Unit at RBH including Hyper Acute Stroke patients Attend and participate in TIA and Stroke outpatient clinics and the Neurovascular SDEC once it is established. Participate in the Stroke Ambulatory service. Support to Early Supported Discharge service. Participate in the weekend HASU rota at 1 in 8 frequency Clinical administration, included in the sessional time allocation expected to be approx.1 DCC per week Other duties as may be identified to meet the needs of the service Cover for colleagues during periods of absence. Support in-patient care in conjunction with departmental colleagues. Teaching duties as required and take an active part in the Postgraduate Medical Education programme and in the teaching of junior medical & nursing staff, General Practitioners, and other clinical professions. Take part in department, regional and national audits. Management and development of the service using Quality Improvement Methodology. Domiciliary visits where agreed appropriate Pursue research and to act as Principle Investigator in selected NIHR trials. Please see additional information regarding the job role in the Stroke Consultant Job Description.