1. Identifying the Patients who would most benefit from this service To attend and engage in the GP Practice Multi-Disciplinary Meeting (MDT) where patients who could best benefit from the support of a Wellbeing Practitioner are identified; To engage with staff within the practice to identify patients who they think could benefit from the support of a Wellbeing Practitioner; To encourage GP practice staff to develop an increased awareness of households and patients who may be vulnerable and in need of support. 2. Engaging with the Patient/Family to help them find solutions To talk with the patient to gain a good understanding of their situation and their needs; To listen to the patient and enable them to explain what they need help with; To identify practical support that you can provide to help the patient resolve the problems they have identified; To build trust and rapport with the patient; To advocate relentlessly on behalf of patients and provide hands-on practical support to ensure they get the help they need; To be prepared to attend appointments with patients, travel with them to sort problems out, and go where you needed to find solutions to improve things for the patient; To be prepared to work with patients in a variety of settings including the community, hospitals, GP practices and in patients homes. 3. Keeping good records and keeping the GP Practice informed To maintain accurate, confidential and up-to-date documentation on patients, including making entries in the patient record on EMIS; To maintain accurate, confidential and up-to-date documentation on all cases of safeguarding and child protection and report any issues where required; To attend multi-disciplinary meetings in the GP practice to share information about the patients situation, and to build awareness of the most vulnerable and complex patients and households and the work that is taking place to support these patients and households. 4. Working with others To liaise regularly with a wide range of colleagues across the health and social care system, including voluntary sector organisations, to identify practical solutions and take action that makes life better for patients; To build strong relationships with staff working in the GP practice, community and hospital staff, social care staff, and voluntary sector staff to support them to work together; To work with others to identify groups and local services to support patients to resolve their practical problems and improve their general health and wellbeing. 5. Evaluation and Learning To work with others to identify gaps in the current health and social care system, and ensure that learning about service gaps is captured and fed into the evaluation of the Well Being Practitioner service; To be prepared to share learning and experiences as a Wellbeing Practitioner both to enable further focused care workers to take on this role more easily, and local organisations involved in the pilot to demonstrate the learning and outcomes from the pilot. 6. Supervision To engage proactively in group supervision and in 1:1 supervision with a Clinical Supervisor in the GP practice where you are based. Protected time will be made available for supervision and reflective learning. Flexibility This job description should not be regarded as exhaustive. It may be amended by City & Hackney Integrated Primary Care CIC, and the post holder may be called upon to carry out additional duties as may reasonably be required by the Wellbeing Practitioner service as it develops.