Contribute to and support the management of a Divisional Assurance Framework to meet the integrated performance metrics required by the Division. Ensure information is collected, critically evaluated and analysed, some of which is of a highly complex nature and use this to determine and shape strategy. Lead in assessing the capacity and demand for services by regularly monitoring demand and productivity seeking to ensure patient flows through the system are safe, effective and deliver high quality outcomes & performance working with the Operational and Professional Leaders within the Division. Lead on behalf of the DDO, the design and implementation of a robust Performance Management reporting system for the Directorate, to support the services, Division and wider Trust Governance and understanding. This includes contributing to the Divisional Strategy Deployment Reviews and Status Reports as part of the Patient First programme undertaken within the Division. Support the investigation of complaints/incidents/PALS enquiries and near misses and ensure that issues arising from the investigation are suitably addressed and also used as an opportunity to improve and learn within services. Contribute to the formulation, planning and development of long-term Strategic and Operational Business Plans for specific clinical and non-clinical areas in line with Divisional and Trust priorities, these may impact across the wider organisation. Lead and support the Division to achieve robust lines of authority, delegation and accountability within the areas of designated responsibility. Support and lead improvement projects as part of the Patient First Kaizen programme. In partnership with the Divisional Management Team, Finance and HR contribute to the strategic development of the Divisional services through local innovation and service improvements. Contribute to guidelines; be responsible for policy and procedure documents within the Directorate to ensure policies and procedures are up to date, available, and when and where appropriate, developed in the Trust format and these take account of any NHS or legislative changes. Develop strategies that underpin the Trusts strategic objectives, to progress the planning and implementing of these. Underpin the planning, delivery and evaluation of quality improvement initiatives within the designated departments and areas of remit of this post. Operationally lead on behalf of the Division the oversight and coordination of the Emergency Planning and Business Continuity functions of the Division as appropriate.