Job Title:Senior Casework Officer Reporting to:Team Managers, ASSIST/LGES Grade:EOII Salary:£27,897-£28,483(underreview) Location:Belfast Main purpose of job The Senior Casework Officer (SCO) role is to undertake assessments of complaints received by NIPSO, in line with the Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman Act (Northern Ireland) 2016. The SCO will provide advice and assistance to our service users, will signpost where appropriate and will provide additional administrative assistance as required. In addition, the SCO role provides administrative support to the investigation function of the NI Local Government Commissioner for Standards. This includes providing advice and assistance to cases and undertaking an initial assessment of cases. Summary of principal duties and responsibilities Undertake an assessment of each case received within target timeframe to establish if the case should be accepted for investigation when examined against the requirements of the legislation underpinning the role of the Ombudsman/Commissioner. To review and assess complex information, to make relevant enquiries and gather information to make evidence-based decisions, in line with the legislation. Request and obtain material required for investigative purposes to include assisting with investigation report preparation. To communicate the assessment decision effectively orally and in writing, drawing on the relevant legislative provisions, explaining if a case can or cannot be accepted for assessment. Provide verbal and written advice and assistance to service users, public bodies, councillors and MLAs in relation to their case. Effectively managing a caseload ensuring that the Office Key Performance Indicators are met to the required standard and adhering to the NIPSO procedural requirements. Undertake interviews with service users who call in to the Office for advice and assistance or who have submitted matters for consideration. Initiating electronic records on the case management system ensuring accuracy in data recording and adhering to internal office policies on records management and GDPR. Work with other teams within NIPSO to share knowledge and identify trends to contribute to new workstreams. Provide ongoing administrative support to Investigating Officers and Team Managers undertaking assessment and investigations of cases to include making telephone and written enquiries of service users, councillors to whom allegations relate, MLAs, public bodies, and other interested parties, arranging meetings and note taking at meetings as required. Answer telephone calls received through the Offices main line or freephone number, respond to email and written communication, meet service users who attend the office seeking advice in person in addition to the recording of incoming and outgoing post. Ensure office cover is in place for dealing with telephone calls and in person attendance during working hours. Meet and greet visitors to the Office as required. Develop and maintain effective relationships with colleagues within NIPSO and public bodies within the Ombudsmans jurisdiction. Respond to requests for advice from other Senior Casework Officers/Administrative Officers (if appropriate) and escalate to the Team Manager as necessary. Contribute to, and play an active role in, team meetings with a view to improving processes and service delivery. Take responsibility for own continuous self-development to enhance performance including undertaking relevant training and development and work shadowing. Undertake any other reasonable duties as requested by management. Provide ongoing administrative support on adjudication matters including preparing case bundles for all parties for adjudication hearings and dealing with enquiries from councillors and witnesses. Maintain, track and report on spreadsheets recording statistics including details of case numbers, outcomes, and KPI performance. General Responsibilities & Duties Adhere to the NIPSO values of independence, fairness, people focused and excellence. Adhere to and promote the Office policies on Equality of Opportunity and Dignity at Work, demonstrating a commitment to the principles of equality, fairness and diversity in all aspects of work. Take responsibility for the development of own skills and knowledge through proactive engagement in the internal performance review processes. Undertake ad-hoc, cross-functional project work supporting the development of the Office and service provision as reasonably requested by your line manager. This job description is subject to review and amendment as the demands of the role and the organisation evolve. Therefore, the postholder will be required to be flexible and adaptable and aware that they may be asked to perform tasks, duties and responsibilities which are not specifically detailed in the job description but which are commensurate with the role. PERSON SPECIFICATION ESSENTIAL CRITERIA Applicants must, as at the closing date for receipt of applications, be able to demonstrate by providing personal and specific examples on their application form that they have: EducatedtoA levelstandardorequivalent.(AF) 2 years relevant experience in an administrative role within a busy customer service environment. (AF, I) Previous experience of using a case handling system and of developing and maintaining systems to collate and monitor data to generate reports and ensure quality standards are met. (AF, I) Previousexperienceofpreparingdetailedwrittendecisions.(AF,I) Good attention to detail and a commitment to timeliness, quality and accuracy and confidentiality in information processing. (AF, I) Goodorganisationalandplanningskillsandtheabilitytoworktodeadlinestomanage competing priorities and meet KPIs. (AF, I) Excellent written and oral communication skills including the ability to communicate effectively with stakeholders at all levels. (I) CompetentintheuseofMicrosoftOfficepackagestoextractinformationandproduce reports. (AF, I) Ability to work as part of a team and contribute to continuous improvement. (AF) DESIRABLE CRITERIA In addition to the above essential criteria, NIPSO reserves the right to only shortlist those candidates who can also demonstrate, by providing personal and specific examples on the application form that they have: Previous experience of interpreting legislation/policy issues to inform work-based decisions. (AF) WORKING FOR US Remuneration The salary for this post is currently equivalent to Northern Ireland Civil Service (NICS) Executive Officer II which is £27,897 - £28,483 (under review). Location Therolewillbebased atNIPSO,ProgressiveHouse,33WellingtonPlace,Belfast,BT16HN. Working Arrangements We operate hybrid working arrangements i.e. a mix of working from home and from the office which offers employees additional workstyle choices. Candidatesshouldnote that whilstwe do have aflexible approach,theoperational requirements are likely to require office based working a minimum of 2 days per week. Successful applicants also have the opportunity to request Flexible Working from the 1st day of their employment. Management will give full consideration to the flexible working request. However,noemployeecan beguaranteed flexibleworkingandtheneedsof theorganisationwill take priority. WorkingHours The post is a fixed term contract for a period of 12 months, full-time (37 hours per week), subject to a probationary period of 9 months. Pension Thesuccessfulcandidatewillbeeligibleto jointheNICSPrincipalCivilServicePensionScheme. Annual Leave Annual leave entitlement is 25 days annual leave, rising to 30 days after 5 years service, plus 12 days public holidays. Other benefits We have a generous occupational sick pay and maternity, paternity and adoption leave/pay arrangements, as well as a suite of work-life balance policies. Employees also have access to an Employee Assistance Programme. We provide support for ongoing training and provide development opportunities for all staff. In 2022 we implemented a coaching framework to ensure all employees of NIPSO receive regular support and guidance from their line manager. SELECTION PROCESS Applications for the post can be made on GetGotJobs Portal by clicking Apply below. Completed application and monitoring forms are to be completed no later than 12noonon10th March2025 Applicants who meet the shortlisting criteria will be invited to participate in a selection and assessment process. IntheeventofahighvolumeofapplicationsNIPSOreservestherighttoapplyadditionalcriteria in order to achieve a manageable shortlist of applicants. Reasonable Adjustments NIPSO are committed to ensuring equal access to employment opportunities for all individuals. Applications from disabled applicants are welcome. If you require any reasonable adjustments at any stage of the recruitment and selection process, please contact us Guidance notes for completing your application form NIPSO is committed to providing equality of opportunity for all job applicants. The information you supply on this application form will be treated in the strictest confidence and will be used solely for assessing your suitability for the post. Acandidatefoundtohaveknowinglygivenfalseinformation,ortohavewilfullysuppressedany materialfactwill be liable to disqualification fromtheprocess, or if appointed,to dismissal.All appointmentsaremadeonmeritandinaccordancewithourRecruitmentandSelectionPolicy. Any canvassing of officers directly or indirectly in connection with an appointment will automatically disqualify the candidate. Applications will only be accepted on the specific NIPSO application form. Incomplete application formswillnot beconsidered. CVs, letters or any other supplementary materialwill notbeacceptedinplaceof,orinadditionto,completedapplicationformsandwillnotbemade available to the shortlisting or interview panel. Pleasealsonote: Applicationswhicharereceivedaftertheclosingdateortimewillnotbeaccepted. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure the completed form, together with the completed Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form, is returned by the closing date for applications.