Communication: To communicate with clients of varying educational abilities, social circumstances anddifferent cultural backgrounds, in order to maximise the health potential of the childand family. To communicate with a wide range of agencies such as Social Services, Mental HealthServices, Police, Education, General Practitioners, and Womens Refuge. To use negotiation skills and tact when dealing with contentious issues such as childprotection concerns, domestic violence, postnatal depression, bereavement, illness anddisability. To be able to engage families in planning their care according to need and promotinghealth enhancing activities. In the absence of the MASH health representative to attend the Multi Agency SupportHub (MASH) providing information and feeding back to colleagues. To participate in child protection case conferences, writing comprehensive clearreports, and verbally presenting information to case conferences. To maintain accurate contemporaneous records according to local policy andprofessional guidelines. To provide verbal and written reports, including statistics on the activities of HealthVisitors to the Team Manager: Health Visiting, School Nursing & Childrens Community Visitors to the Team Manager: Health Visiting, School Nursing & Childrens CommunityNursing Services. Clinical: To be responsible for assessing, planning, implementing and evaluating clients care. To be responsible for organising and carrying out screenings and child health promotionactivities, of pre-school children on an identified caseload. To be able to assess normal development, and instigate appropriate action and orreferral where a health or social problem is identified. To be able to assess minor medical conditions and have the skills to safely advise ontheir management. To be vigilant in recognising children in need and families who are vulnerable andsupporting them appropriately, acting as the lead professional where appropriate. To recognise signs and indicators of child abuse and the risk factors within a family andrefer on to Social Services as necessary. To take responsibility for Nurse Prescribing in line with Nurse Prescribing Formulary andthe local protocols for Nurse Prescribing as appropriate To undertake screening of mothers for postnatal depression. To provide support and resources for mothers with postnatal depression and or familiesin times of stress/crisis. To manage and undertake baby clinics. To provide specialist advice to families on a wide range of topics, which affect childrenand families health and well being such as breastfeeding, safe weaning, reducing therisks of sudden infant death and behaviour management. To act on referrals from other agencies across the Health and Social Care spectrum. To administer medication and immunisations as prescribed. Management: Develop, implement, monitor and evaluate clinical protocols and procedures inagreement with the Senior Manager. Propose changes to clinical practice based on research evidence. Take part in Clinical, safeguarding and MECSH Supervision. Have input into future planning of services. To provide cover for other staff in the event of sickness, annual or study leave. Ensureexpected staff requirements, for example, resignation, planned or unexpected sicknessor absence is reported in a timely manner to the Team Leader or Manager. Undertake Appraisals of junior staff. Supervise Staff Nurses, and other grades of nursing staff, allocating work and providingsupport on a daily basis. Participating in recruitment of new staff and organise and participate in Induction ofnew staff. Responsible for assessing training needs, education and training of Student Nurseswhilst on community placement, to plan and implement a programme of training andeducation to meet learning requirements of Student Nurses. Provide advice, insight and information relevant to policy and service planningprocesses. Ensure resources and equipment are maintained to a safe standard. Report accidents, incidents and complaints, take remedial action where appropriateand ensure necessary documentation is completed and reported to the Team Leader. Leadership: To be aware of the developing needs of the Health Visiting Service in order to forecastfuture needs, training and resource issues and to take forward the Public Healthagenda. To keep abreast of research evidence which may impact on practice and be motivatedto change own practice according to such evidence. Influence others to change practice according to need. Provide support and advice to colleagues on complex issues. Research: To organise and take part in local research and audit. To use information from research to inform developments within the Health VisitingService. Training: To arrange and take part in the Induction of new staff. To assess and mentor Student Nurses. To facilitate courses and study days as necessary and act as a resource for the Instituteof Health and Social Care Studies, secondary schools and College of Further Education. To undertake statutory training on an annual basis. To provide health and parenting education to parents and carers on a formal andinformal basis.