Secondary Education and Animal Care Practitioner (MATERNITY COVER)
Category: Education
Organisation: Heeley City Farm
Job Description: Heeley City Farm is hiring a Secondary Education & Animal Care Practitioner to deliver engaging sessions for secondary alternative provision learners, many with SEND. Working with ELS tutors, the role involves leading creative activities for young people (11-16) with challenging behaviour. Experience with this age group is required, along with knowledge of farm animals or a strong willingness to learn and a willingness to work outside in all weathers.
Hours: 15 hours per week - Monday and Tuesday 9-5pm (with 30 mins unpaid lunch) - Sessions are delivered 9-3pm.
The successful candidate will be expected to carry out animal care and site maintenance duties after taught sessions have finished and during school holidays, as well as support the delivery of holiday playschemes and programmes. Candidates will deliver engaging programmes to young people in activities, primarily in animal care, but including gardening and site maintenance. We would welcome bringing in additional skills and ideas for sessions. They will work with at least one other tutor to deliver quality educational programmes at the farm, based in our outdoor classrooms, gardens and around animals. We will also require collaboration and initiative into planning of sessions, writing reports and evaluating sessions. The candidate must be an excellent team player as well as be able to work independently and use initiative. This role will start in May 2025 and is expected to continue for 10-12 months. There may be potential to continue elements of the role once the maternity period has ended and subject to funding.
Location: Sheffield
Type of Contract: Short Term
Closing Date: 06-04-2025
How to Apply: Please email for an application pack.