From 2023 - 2024
3,718 young people received advice and support
1,616 young people were supported by us during the year
1,034 young people lived in our 40+accommodation schemes
Up to 590 young people lived with us every night
87% of young people moved on from St Basils in a planned, positive way
CLOSING DATE: Monday 24th March 2025
Job Title: Service Administrator - 12 Months FTC
Reports to: Team Leader
Salary: Scale 4, Point 22, £23,400 per annum, pro rata
Hours of work: Full Time (37.5 hours per week)
*FIXED TERM UNTIL 31.03.2026*
Key Responsibilities:
o To answer the telephone and respond to requests and/ or take messages
o To contribute to the administration and management of referrals to the service ensuring that we are able to evidence fair access, service take up and outcomes achieved.
o To administer meetings, including the preparation of agenda/papers and to take and produce minutes of the meetings.
o To organise events on request, which includes hosting visits, setting up of meetings, venue arrangements, invitations, organisation and preparation of all catering requirements, welcoming all attendees, all paperwork including agenda, minutes and PowerPoint presentations.
o To carry out general typing, filing and administration work to support the Youth Hub/ Prevention Services department.
o To assist in maintaining an effective reception service for all clients accessing services within the Youth Hub, in line with St Basils welcoming policy.
o To assist with the inputting of new referrals on to the database and updating client files.
o To assist with Youthline, taking referrals and booking appointments.
o Checking and distributing of information internally and externally.
o Set up and maintain filing & archiving systems, as appropriate.
o To ensure that files required for appointments are available on the day.
o To carry out audit checks on relevant stationary and equipment, ensuring all stocks and resources are maintained accordingly.
o Reporting of maintenance and ICT repairs utilising appropriate systems.
o To update and maintain monitoring systems in relation to young people accessing the Youth Hub service.
o To utilise a variety of software packages (including Word, PowerPoint, Spreadsheets, Databases etc) in order to assist in the creation of high quality reports to management
* Business and Administration certificate or equivalent
* A Level/RSA. GCSE grade c or above in English Language and Maths
* Computer proficiency in Office and Outlook, including Word, Emails, Excel, Database, PowerPoint
* Office experience
* Experience in working to deadlines
* Knowledge based about Young People and Homelessness
* Voluntary Experience
* Knowledge base of Local Authority and Government funding
* Analyse complex project statistical data and meet internal and external partnership deadlines
* Experience in Audio typing
* Ability to use initiative
* Ability to take responsibility for projects
* Ability to follow decisions and monitor results
* Knowledge of and Commitment of E.O.P./Anti-Discriminatory Practice
* Flexible approach to work
* Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines
* Demonstrate commitment/confidentiality
* Ability to convey information, accurately, clearly and simply
* Housing Benefit/Rent System