Clinical duties include: Provide psychiatric assessment, including risk assessment for young people referred to, and those admitted to the service. Clear formulation of psychiatric and social need. Provide treatment for young people admitted to the service. Working in partnership with young people, parents and carers to develop evidence-based, effective and agreed care plans. Coordinating multiagency packages of care, treatment and support for young people and their families with complex mental health problems. Providing consultation, advice and appropriate support to professionals in the wider network of the young person and/or family. Co-ordinate clinical liaison with clinicians in other community CAMHS services and other agencies. Contributing to the CNWL Out of Hours consultant psychiatric on-call rota. Auditing of psychiatric practice and multidisciplinary work. Ensure effective communication with referring and receiving teams throughout the Trust, (including the local urgent/crisis CAMHS team); and regionally/ nationwide. Recording of clinical activity and prompt submission of returns in line with service requirements. Maintaining accurate, contemporaneous medical notes in line with the Trusts record keeping policy. Providing cross cover for CNWL Tier 4 inpatient consultants. Management duties include: Take a leadership role within the team and provide appropriate support and supervision to other team members. Provide specialist psychiatric advice to the multidisciplinary team at Lavender Walk Adolescent Unit. In partnership with colleagues, developing common clinical policies and guidelines for the teams. Identifying areas of unmet needs and alerting the Service Manager and line manager/clinical director if appropriate. Active involvement in the Quality Improvement programme for Tier 4 within the organisation. Active involvement in local Care Quality and Performance group Work collaboratively with the second consultant in the planning, distribution and allocation of clinical, administrative, professional and managerial tasks. Attending and chairing regular meetings as described in the job plan including clinical ward based meetings, and day patient team meetings. Contribute to the strategic development of specialist CAMHS Inpatient Services in association with the NWL PC Clinical Group, NHSE Regional Advisor for CAMHS, NWL STP and the Trusts management structure. Sharing with colleagues responsibility for the day to day management of the Unit and team. External Duties: Contribute to the strategic development of the NWL Provider Collaborative. The Trust actively supports the involvement of the consultant body in regional and national groups subject to discussion and approval with the medical director and, as necessary, the chief executive officer.