Assistant Director of Research and Development
The Assistant Director of Research and Development is directly responsible to the Director of Public Health (DPH) for implementing the HSC R&D Strategy and operational management of the Health & Social Care Research and Development Division (HSC R&D Division). The AD is also responsible for supporting the Director of Research and Development (DRD) who develops the HSC Research and Development strategy on behalf of Department of Health (DoH).
Setting Direction
1. Support the DPH in the implementation of a Research and Development Strategy for health and social care in Northern Ireland (HSC R&D Strategy), ensuring integration with relevant DoH strategies, the PHA corporate strategy, and service delivery priorities.
2. Lead and manage HSC R&D Division staff and ensure that related corporate objectives are met.
3. Support the effective operation of the Strategic Advisory Group (SAG) for HSC R&D Division and act as Secretary of the Group.
4. Ensure that findings from HSC R&D are used to inform policies of, and within, the PHA and wider HSC.
Service Delivery
5. Work with the DRD to ensure the development of the HSC R&D Strategy and that policy development in the health and social care sector is informed by good research evidence.
6. Lead on the development of strategic and operational plans for the implementation of the HSC R&D Strategy.
7. Ensure delivery plans, including annual business plans, derive from the HSC R&D Strategy and PHA Corporate priorities.
8. Manage and report on the appropriate use of the allocated budget for HSC R&D (the £12 million HSC R&D Fund), in line with PHA corporate procedures.
9. Represent the HSC at UK and international meetings, that are concerned with research governance, allocation of resources and the delivery of R&D in the health and social sector.
10. Where appropriate, chair groups at NI, UK or international levels that support decision-making for, or reporting on, R&D in health and social care.