Hammersmith Council - Head of Provider Services
1. To lead and manage in-house Provider Services working across a range of adult social care provision.
2. To ensure that services regulated by CQC maintain a rating of Good or above.
3. To ensure that services are person-centred and focused on independent living and the promotion of wellbeing.
4. To be accountable for the effective use of resources including the delegated budgets across Provider Services and ensure accurate systems of financial control are maintained and regularly reported for all services.
5. To lead and manage the development of services for residents of the borough, with a focus on improvement, best practice and high standards to meet the changing needs of our residents.
6. To engage in the wider development and modernisation of services in Hammersmith & Fulham with council colleagues, external partners & residents, in line with the councils' vision for independent living.
7. To ensure that the services are safe for service users and staff and that robust quality assurance mechanisms are developed and adhered to.
8. To play an active part in the leadership team in the establishment and delivery of priorities, proactively formulating proposals for discussion and planning purposes.
1. To lead on the development of new service requirements created by legislative, strategic or those identified through co-production with residents.
2. To be responsible for monitoring and controlling the cost centre budgets in accordance with the council's policies and procedures.
3. To coordinate the work of the Provider Services and ensure that residents' needs are understood and that services are managed to quality standards.
4. To ensure that policy and procedures are adequately documented and staff trained to ensure compliance with quality standards of service delivery.
5. To promote and lead the development of a continuous improvement and learning culture, mentoring and supporting managers and teams to develop a culture of personal ownership and accountability for delivering outcomes.
6. To effectively implement the council's HR policies and procedures including recruitment, assessment, disciplinary, sickness absence monitoring and joint consultative procedures.
7. To be aware of and work in accordance with the council's child and adult protection policies and procedures in order to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and adults.
8. To be accountable for Health and Safety regulations and ensure Provider Services are compliant at all times.
9. To ensure that robust management information is returned on a monthly basis to monitor service activity and outcomes and that information requirements for departmental planning are met.
10. To actively promote an anti-discriminatory and inclusive ethos within Provider Services and ensure effective implementation of the council's Equal Opportunities policies.
If you are interested in this role, please send your updated CV in the first instance.