The TPF Charity was established for many purposes and concentrates on the charitable needs of current and former professional footballers. We currently have up to four vacancies on our Board, and we are seeking to recruit committed trustees who may have experience as trustees. In addition to basic skills the trustees would particularly welcome applicants with experience in any or all of the following: Finance, Risk Management, HR or Law, but most of all candidates should have an empathy and understanding of the needs of our beneficiaries which is paramount along with the time to be able to contribute to the work of the Charity. Trusteeship of this registered charity, which is a company limited by guarantee, is unpaid, although reasonably incurred out of pocket expenses can be refunded in accordance with our expenses policy. The Board currently meets 4– 6 times per year. Meetings have been in person, but now are a mixture of in person and on-line. We welcome applications from suitable persons who are legally entitled to be a charity trustee, and are able to confirm by declaration in due course that this is the case. If you are interested and wish to speak informally in the first instance with the chair of trustees then please email the CEO ( for arrangements to be made. Candidates should apply be sending their current CV, with details of any charity experience in a brief covering letter saying why you wish to be a trustee, and what you consider you can offer to the Charity and why to by the closing date of 31st March 2025. Suitable candidates will be invited to interview with representatives of the Board. For successful candidates, training can be provided or sourced and relevant background documentation will be provided.