Day-to-day assessment, diagnosis, formulation of management plans, and review of patients Management of patients with mental health needs in community and inpatient settings in the Bridgend Locality, under direction of the sector Consultants Managing patients in outpatient clinics and the monthly Lithium clinic. Management of patients, under the primary and secondary category of the Mental Health Measure, supporting Liaison psychiatric input in the Princess of Wales Hospital. Including patients in respite care. Clinical input to CMHT and Memory Services team. Support the Consultant and assume responsibility for the medical management of the ward in his/her absence, with support from an established rota of locality Consultants. Liaise and communicate effectively with members of the team, other teams and services within the Directorate, other Hospital departments and with external agencies (including but not restricted to, General Practitioners, Social Services, Police and probation service) by whatever means possible. Subject to S12(2) approval, Implementation of the Mental Health Act and associated duties. Prepare psychiatric reports, including Tribunal reports, Managers hearing reports, Capacity reports, Coroner reports, and attend Hearings when requested to do so. Participate and contribute to ward rounds and team meetings including MDT meeting. Joint MDT working with the established CMHT and Inpatient teams. Liaising and collaboration with colleagues from other specialties and organisations, when dealing with a wide range of needs e.g. palliative care team, medical and surgical specialties, Liaison psychiatric team, Local Authority partners and the third sector. Support the team with routine administrative duties. Provide appropriate day to day supervision of junior medical staff with Consultant support.