1. To provide outstanding services to children in need or at risk of harm and their families living in Norfolk, to bring about life long change and improved outcomes.
2. To ensure children and young people are adequately protected in line with the Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) and departmental policy and procedures and relevant legislation.
3. To deliver high quality social work practice and utilise specialist knowledge to carry out in depth family assessment of social need and risk to children. To hold a caseload of the most complex cases.
4. To lead child centred assessments using professional curiosity, which involve key family members, professionals and consider each child’s identity, experiences, and social circumstances.
5. To lead and develop child centred plans with children, their families and key professionals which will manage the identified risks and meet the child’s needs.
6. To review the effectiveness of each plan in a timely way to ensure that interventions bring about positive long term change for children and their families.
7. To build effective relationships with children and their families which form the bedrock of all support and child protection responses, securing the best outcomes for children and young people.
8. To strengthen the relationships between children, young people and families wherever possible and appropriate.
9. To lead in complex situations and provide professional support to staff through guidance, co-working, mentoring, and modelling outstanding practice.
10. To champion, promote and share the highest professional standards, providing social work professional consultation to Children’s Services teams and other agencies.
11. To maintain personal and professional credibility through effective working relationships with peers, managers and leaders both within and outside of the profession and organisation.
12. To lead practice development within the team to improve and maintain professional standards.
13. To contribute to the organisations roles as a corporate parent to children looked after away from home.
14. Encouraging and advocating, to support children and young people to thrive and enjoy their childhood and move into independence with confidence and ambition for their futures.