Required for September 2025 a well-qualified and experienced science teacher to join our friendly and supportive Science Faculty and lead the development of science teaching. The successful candidate will have proven subject expertise and be able to demonstrate highly effective practice and strong pupil outcomes. They should have attained the skills of an Upper Pay Range teacher and will be able to teach science across the age and ability range, working with our committed and friendly team of practitioners to help all our students to ‘achieve their potential and enjoy the journey’. We hope that you will want to join us in developing our school and in particular we are looking for candidates who are determined to help our pupils to break through STEM glass ceilings and enable them to embrace the opportunities that STEM subjects bring. The Science Faculty encompasses Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Psychology and is exceptionally well resourced, with new laboratories and modern equipment. Science is largely taught as separate subjects and specialists in any science discipline are encouraged to apply. The enrichment offered to pupils is extensive including an annual Science Fair, Forensic Science Day, ‘Brain Day’, engineering visits, Biology and Physics Weeks and many other visits and guest speakers, including outreach work with local primary schools. The friendly and collaborative work environment in Science encourages continuous professional development and career progression for staff. We particularly value the work of our Science Technicians who play a key role in supporting our work. The sciences are popular subjects with a strong track record of success. The Head of Faculty is supported by two Subject Leaders who take responsibility for Chemistry/Biology/Physics with the Head of Faculty also taking responsibility for one of those subjects. We are always seeking opportunities to enhance our offer to the pupils and the successful candidate will have the opportunity to build on our secure foundations. Visitors tell us that our school is a friendly, lively and stimulating community where we emphasise the importance of each individual’s contribution and take pleasure in sharing and celebrating achievement. They commend the good behaviour of the pupils and their thirst for learning. Bishop’s is a diverse community that offers mutual support and encouragement and expects everyone within it to respect others’ heritage, cultures, religion and beliefs. We hope that the values, self-discipline and sense of personal worth that pupils gain here will be a support throughout their lives as British and Global Citizens. We welcome applications from candidates from racially minoritised backgrounds and from other groups that are underrepresented in the UK education system. We are a single sex school but we encourage any gender to apply for staff posts. This is an exciting opportunity to join the school at a time of growth and development and we are looking for a candidate who will help to extend what we do. The Science Faculty makes a huge contribution to the life of the school and we are looking for a candidate who will help to extend this work. Bishop’s Hatfield Girls’ School is heavily over-subscribed and has around 950 pupils on roll including the Sixth Form. We are fully committed to our values of teamwork, respect, honesty, trust, kindness and ambition. The school completed its most recent Ofsted inspection in December 2022 and was judged to continue to be Outstanding. However, we are not driven by Ofsted and our priorities lie in supporting our pupils to develop their knowledge, skills and character through the ‘Bishop’s 360’ model. The school has benefited from a total rebuild on the same site and enjoys excellent state of the art facilities. BHGS holds International School Status, the Music Mark and is a Fairtrade School. Hatfield is within easy reach of London and other areas and the London Fringe Allowance is payable. The school's Admissions’ Code gives priority places to children of staff and we give high priority to staff development. Staff are able to apply for our Professional Development Award which provides bursary payments to help finance CPD that goes beyond the school’s usual training programme. We take safeguarding of our students extremely seriously and an enhanced disclosure will be sought through the Disclosure and Barring Service as part of the school’s pre-employment checks. If you would like to visit us, prior to making an application, and see for yourself how our pupils learn in a vibrant, supportive environment please contact Sally Fullerton at Please see the job description for more detail.