Ensuring the efficient deployment of Senior Reablement workers and Reablement workers to meet service user need and to ensure hours are fully utilised.
To undertake initial assessments and undertake reassessment/review following the period of Home First and Reablement.
Providing information and advice to service users, their carers, and families on progression from the short-term service.
Able to work alone as well as part of a multidisciplinary team including therapists, senior community nurse assessor, Progression and Wellbeing Coordinator, and Reablement workers.
Proactively seek feedback from Senior Reablement and Reablement workers on a regular basis to monitor progress of service users towards meeting their outcomes and to ensure discharge/onward progression is timely.
To manage the recruitment, selection, induction, competency completion, training, and development of Senior Reablement and Reablement workers.
To carry out regular supervision and management of the staff reporting to the post. This will include monitoring performance, sickness absence management, and conducting observed practice of the RW and SRW team to ensure high standards of service delivery are maintained.