Warwickshire Wildlife Trust (WWT) is one of the 46 UK Wildlife Trusts. Established in 1970 we are a grass roots organisation governed by 14 trustees elected from a membership of over 29,000 people, 99% of whom live in the county, and supported by 800 active volunteers. We manage 67 nature reserves which total more than 1,000 hectares across Warwickshire, Coventry and Solihull and no one living or working in that area is more than 6 miles from one of these wildlife havens. As members of the influential network of Wildlife Trusts, we are part of a collective covering the whole of the UK with 870,000 members, 35,000 volunteers, 2,500 staff and 600 trustees, all working together through a central unit, the Royal Society of Wildlife Trusts (TWT). Together we are on a mission to restore a third of the UK’s land and seas for nature by 2030. We believe everyone, everywhere, should have access to nature and the joy and health benefits it brings. Each Wildlife Trust is an independent charity formed by people getting together to make a positive difference for wildlife, climate and future generations. Together we care for 2,300 diverse and beautiful nature reserves and work with others to manage their land for nature, too. WWT is embarking on a ten-year strategy setting out the impact we want to have as an organisation. We have a bold goal that, by 2030, nature will be in recovery with abundant and diverse wildlife everywhere, and that natural processes will be creating wilder landscapes where people and nature thrive. Fundamental to that approach is our ambition to make more space for nature and inspire more people to be on nature’s side. To achieve that we must ensure our own estate is delivering this ambition and adapt and innovate to get the best outcomes for nature. How we manage our sites underpins all of that and we want natural processes to lead on ensuring nature reserves in the future are rich in wildlife, resilient to change and help tackle the climate emergency. Showcasing and sharing this work on land beyond our sites enable others to take action for nature. The proposed Agricultural Task Force (ATF) will deliver exactly this. We need an ambitious individual, with a strong agricultural background, to lead on the transition to making our management more sustainable for the long term. Simply put, that is using grazing animals and agricultural actions better on our own land to do more for wildlife. Whilst getting our house in order, the role will also evolve developing opportunities to deliver management on other people’s land, taking the ATF beyond our reserves boundary. This is key for us to reach our ambition and managing sites through grazing, cutting scrub and enhancing grasslands for others will increase our impact. As an integral role in our Reserves Team, the Grazing Development Manager, your experience of livestock grazing and countryside management, this role is the perfect opportunity for someone to adapt and influence how the Trust operates and bring more nature back. If you have a farming background, a passion for wildlife and land management and want to pioneer a unique project to meet our strategy, then this role may be for you. Job Purpose: Lead on the development and implementation of the Trust’s Agricultural Task Force by prioritising grazing and natural processes as a management tool on the land of the Trust and third parties. Diversifying funding and developing the ATF project, the role will increase the grazing function and sustainability of its management to bring wildlife back.