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Start date: 1st January 2025
Due to internal promotions and school expansion, an opportunity has arisen for two highly motivated and enthusiastic personal care assistants to join our team. The successful candidates will be passionate about pupils’ learning and working as part of a successful team.
The posts will involve supporting the personal and educational needs of pupils across the school. The successful candidates must have experience, knowledge and understanding of personal care, together with previous experience of working with children/young adults with SEND. On-going training will be provided to assist in your continued professional development.
In joining Carlton Digby School, you will benefit from:
• Working with our fabulous children and their families
• Being part of a strong team of staff
• Strong links with the local community and other special schools
• Excellent facilities
• High quality CPD
• Supportive and involved Governors
You will require the following qualifications and must be able to provide original copies of certificates should you be successful:
1. English and maths GCSE grade 4 or above (or equivalent)
Carlton Digby School is a maintained special school for children with a wide range of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities aged 3 – 18 years. In March 2020, the school was given an Ofsted grading of ‘Outstanding’.
Application forms and further details are available from the school website:. Alternatively the application is attached for you to download below.
Please email the office to book a visit: Tuesday 5th November at 9.00am OR Thursday 7th November at 2.00pm.
The closing date for applications is 9am on Monday 11th November 2024. Interviews will take place week commencing 18th November 2024.
If you do not hear from us within 2 weeks of the closing date, we regret to advise your application was unsuccessful and due to previous high response, will be unable to provide individual feedback.