Job Purpose To improve the psychological wellbeing of people who are using our inpatient services. To support the qualified psychological practitioners in these services to achieve the above aim. This will be achieved in this post by: 1. Contributing to the creation of a psychological informed environment on an acute inpatient ward. 2. Implements specific assessments, clinical care, psychological interventions, and providing advice and consultancy to clients, family members, carers and professionals under the supervision and management of clinical supervisor and Professional Lead. 3. The post holder will be supported by senior colleagues within Urgent and Inpatient Services. The post holder will be expected to make good use of the expertise of others within the service to further develop their clinical skills with this client group 4. To work independently within a defined managed and occupational context. To work within professional guidelines and DPT procedures and protocols 5. The post holder will receive regular professional and clinical supervision in accordance to Trust policy and to Professional Practice Guidelines set out by the British Psychological Society or appropriate designated Professional Body. 6. The post holders role will be conducted in accordance with a value system of person-centred care, the enhancement of client autonomy, social inclusion and dignity. Communication and Working Relationship Skills Clients, family and carers: To communicate in a highly skilled and sensitive manner with clients who may have specific difficulties in understand and/or communicating and who may be hostile, antagonistic or highly emotionally disturbed. Multidisciplinary team colleagues: To work closely with colleagues in the multi-professional integrated mental health and wellbeing service on a day to day basis. Health & social care staff: To communicate with a wide range of health & social care staff in hospital and in community settings in a skilled and sensitive manner, complex and sensitive information concerning the assessment, formulation and treatment plans of clients under the services care. To provide support & guidance in the application of psychological principles and techniques, and to foster reflective practice. Senior managers & professional staff: To maintain and build good working relationships with senior professional staff and managers in Urgent and Inpatient Careand in DPT, to foster a positive approach to the integrated mental health and wellbeing service and to enable effective negotiation. Analytical and Judgemental Skills To be able to integrate complex data and make evaluation and formulations decisions. Planning and Organisational Skills To plan and prioritise own workload, balancing the demands of patient care, support and guidance of carers and professionals, and service research and development activities. To provide psychology knowledge to the multi-professional planning, development and marketing of mental health and wellbeing services Responsibility for Patient/Client Care, Treatment and Therapy Assessment & intervention: To make assessments, and deliver treatment plans within a supervised context for individuals, carers, families and groups, and to demonstrate awareness of diversity issues. Consultation & guidance: To provide advice, guidance and consultation on psychological aspects of patient care to colleagues, other service providers, patients, supporters and families. Responsibility for Policy and Service Development Implementation The post holder is responsible for their own professional actions, acting within Trust policies and procedures and Professional Practice Guidelines, working within clearly defined occupational procedures. To follow policy guidance in own role and to comment on proposed policy changes and service developments. Responsibility for Finance, Equipment and Other Resources Careful use of equipment. Responsibility for Human Resources, e.g. Supervision, Training, HR Advice and Management Leadership & supervision: To assist the work of less experienced assistants &/or trainees as required. To provide supervision to health and social care colleagues. Responsibility for Information Resources and Administrative Duties To maintain accurate records To be responsible for using an email account to generate, monitor, and respond to the e-mail traffic by which the Trust conducts much of its internal communication. Responsibility for Research and Development To undertake service-relevant research and development activity agreed within the Urgent and Inpatient Psychology Service, and to organise personal or service led R & D activities as required. Freedom to Act Undertakes standard operating procedures, and is available for reference. Shall work within guidelines for the service and will receive regular supervision. Any Other Specific Tasks Required To ensure all clinical care and treatment provided by psychologists is carried out under appropriate supervision and leadership. To ensure that all psychologists continuously update the skills and techniques relevant to their clinical work. Review of this Job Description This job description is intended as an outline indicator of general areas of activity and will be amended in the light of changing service needs. This job description is to be reviewed in conjunction with the post holder on an annual basis. Equality & Diversity Devon Partnership Trust is an inclusive employer and is committed to recruiting and supporting a diverse workforce, reflecting the population we serve and the communities we work within. Applications are encouraged and welcomed from all people, regardless of any protected characteristics as governed by the Equality Act 2010. The Trust expects all staff to behave in a way which recognises, respects and celebrates this diversity and challenges any form of discrimination. Part time, job share and flexible working applications will be considered and supported when operationally possible and reasonable adjustments will be made wherever possible. Recovery It is a requirement of all employees to have an understanding of the broad principles of the Recovery Approach and to incorporate them into every aspect of their work in support of the Trusts aim to provide services that support peoples recovery through being holistic and promoting social inclusion, self-management, personal autonomy and independence. Risk Management / Health and Safety Employees must be aware of the responsibilities placed on them under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, ensure that agreed safety procedures are carried out and maintain a safe environment for employees, patients and visitors. Records Management The post holder has responsibility for the timely and accurate creation, maintenance and storage of records in accordance with Trust policy, including email documents and with regard to the Data Protection Act, The Freedom of Information Act and any other relevant statutory requirements. Clinical Governance, Compliance and Performance The post holder will be responsible for proving that the Care Quality Commission outcome areas have been met in all registered/related activities for which the post holder is responsible. Where outcomes are not met the post holder is expected to put in place/recommend action to improve. The post holder will proactively seek and engage the support of the governance teams in the Compliance and Corporate Development directorate to gather information as required. The post holder will build an understanding of and adhere to the CQC guidelines as well as the Trusts guidelines on the approach to maintaining CQC registration. Prevention and Control of Healthcare Associated Infection The post holder is expected to comply with Trust Infection Prevention and Control Policies and conduct themselves at all times in such a manner as to minimise the risk of healthcare associated infection. Smoking The Trust operates a non-smoking policy. Employees are not permitted to smoke anywhere within the premises of the Trust or when outside on official business. Policies & Procedures Trust employees are expected to follow Trust policies, procedures and guidance as well as professional standards and guidelines. It is your responsibility to read and familiarise yourself with all policies relevant to your job role. Safeguarding Safeguarding is part of everyday practice and all Trust employees are required to work in accordance with policies, procedures and professional codes to safeguard people who use our service, their children, families and carers from abuse. Where staff work with adults, staff must be aware of any children that live with, or have contact with, the person in their care. They have a duty to promote the childs welfare and ensure their needs have been taken into account as part of the overall assessment and engage with other agencies as appropriate. All staff should have the knowledge and skills to work in such a way as to reduce the likelihood of abuse, they must be alert to, and take appropriate action in relation to, safeguarding issues. Where staff are unsure what appropriate action to take, they must always escalate their concerns and speak to a senior member staff or the DPT Safeguarding Team.