Provision of a safe and efficient anaesthetic and critical care service. This job incorporates resident on call within a designated specialty doctor rota. Depending on skills and experience the post holder may be required to participate on other appropriate resident rotas. The daytime work will include delivery suite and ITU duties and elective and emergency theatres lists. Depending on experience and service requirements the postholder will work on either accompanied lists with a consultant or have sole responsibility for a list. On Appointment the successful candidate would be offered a 12pa per week contract including 10pa direct clinical care (DCC) and 2 pa of SPA time. A standard 10pa contract will include 9 pas DCC and 1pa of SPA in accordance with the speciality doctors contract 2021. This job may be suitable for an individual who wishes to gain experience and re-enter training or who wishes to gain experience and training with a view to applying for Article 14