As a Registered Nurse, the post holder is required to adhere to NMC standards and guidelines of practice, education and conduct.
TheroleinvolvesworkingasanautonomousexpertDiabetespractitionerdeliveringevidence–basedcareand structured education to people withdiabetes,theirfamiliesandotherhealthcolleaguesinacommunitysetting. Thisincludesparticipatinginjointclinics&domiciliaryvisitsforpatientswithdiabetesincludingthoselivinginCareHomes,whohavecomplexneedswhilsteducatingprimary carestafftoenhancetheirskillstoprovideanexcellentdiabetes service.
The Diabetes Specialist Nurse will be expected to teach and support programmes of care to individuals, primary care professionals and act as a clinical resource for community nurses.
The post holder will have specialist knowledge and skills in an area of Diabetes Specialist Nursing. The post holder will be expected to be a resource for other members of the team; support clinics across the locality as necessary and participate in clinical supervision.
The Diabetes Specialist Nurse will work with colleagues in primary and secondary care to develop an integrated care delivery system ensuring that this is based on research based practice.
The Diabetes Specialist Nurse will be expected to teach and support programmes of care to individuals, primary care professionals and act as a clinical resource for community nurses.
primary carerequireassistanceandadvicefor.Robustlyusing
ToprovidestructuredpatienteducationforpeoplewithType2diabetestoempower themintheirself-managementoftheirdiabetes,thiscouldbefacetofaceorvirtuallyusingMicrosoftTeams.
Toassistandleadineducatinghealthcareprofessionalsinbothprimary careand communitynursingteams..
ToProvidejointdiabetesclinicsforprimary care(whencompetent)toassistand supportthemtomanagetheirpatientsandimpartingknowledgeinordertoupskill them.
We are the main provider of NHS community services across East and West Sussex, with 6,000 staff serving 1.3 million people. We deliver essential care to adults and children, helping them manage their health, avoid hospital admissions, and reduce hospital stays.
Our Trust vision is to provide excellent care at the heart of the community. We offer opportunities across medical, clinical, support, and corporate services.
Why work for us?
• Positive 2023 NHS Staff Survey results, highlighting compassionate leadership and wellbeing
• Varied environments: community hospitals, patients’ homes, and bases across Sussex
• Flexible working options: part-time, flexi-time, annualised hours, and flexi-retirement
• Excellent training, development, and research opportunities
• Cost-effective workplace nurseries in Crawley, Hove, and Brighton
• Active EMBRACE, Disability & Wellbeing, LGBTQIA+, and Religion & Belief networks
• Level 3 Disability Confident Leader and Veteran Aware Trust
• Beautiful Sussex location near the South Downs and coast
Our values—Compassionate Care, Working Together, Achieving Ambitions, Delivering Excellence—guide everything we do.
We embrace diversity and encourage applications from all backgrounds, particularly from ethnically diverse, disabled, and LGBTQIA+ individuals. We aim to create an inclusive environment and support reasonable adjustments during recruitment.
This post may close early if sufficient applications are received.
Actasanexpertresourceforevidence-basedcarewithintheSCFTcommunityandPrimary caresetting.
TosupporttheseniorDSN teamtocompileandupdateclinicalauditstoimprovethe service.
Band 6 and Band 7 JD/PS both attached. Please review each as to which level of role your skills and competence matches.
For shortlisting it would be helpful if you added to the supporting information what level of role you were interested in applying for.
This advert closes on Sunday 16 Mar 2025