1. Established GP Training Practice with numerous Trainers
2. Stable, experienced Partnership with no immediate retirements planned
3. Fully recruited team of GPs including 7 Salaried GPs and 2 Remote GPs.
4. High-dispensing
5. Partner-owned premises
6. Partner-owned pharmacy providing further dividends (not included in quoted drawings)
7. Geared towards reducing GP workload Ongoing workflow projects to further decrease GP document workloadVisiting Paramedic or ANP doing home visits every dayGP support includes an ANP, three Paramedics, Mental Health Practitioner, First Contact Physio, Specialist Nurses (Diabetes, CDM and Women’s Health) and two Pharmacists
8. Coffee break every morning
9. Very encouraging of special interests – specialisms make for happier Doctors
10. Tier 2 visa sponsors
Your role –
11. (no buy-in until 6 months)
12. Enjoying excellent continuity of care with your own patients
13. 27 patients per day with sessions consisting of: 16 contacts in the AM: 4 x 15-minute F2F7 x 10-minute calls4 x 7.5-minute e-consults1 x 10-minute GP-book-only 11 contacts in the PM 3 x 15-minute F2F8 x 10-minute calls Protected task slots throughout the day too
14. Participating in the Acute Hub (which has replaced Duty) – solely seeing emergency patients but otherwise overseeing the ANPs, Paramedics and Nurses – first patient not until 09.30
15. Working with a mixed population with both affluent and deprived areas with an increasing amount of young families balancing out the elderly
16. You must be qualified as a General Practitioner and registered with the GMC and UK Performers List
The benefits –
17. Sabbatical every 5 years
18. Lovely setting
19. 6 weeks annual leave
20. 2 weeks study leave
21. NHS pension