A. Work as part of a multi-disciplinary team (MDT) within the organisation. b. Assess and triage patients, including same day triage and, as appropriate, provide definitive treatment (including prescribing medications following policy, patient group directives, NICE (national)and local clinical guidelines and local care pathways) or make necessary referrals to other members of the primary care team. c. Manage undifferentiated undiagnosed conditions and identify red flags and underlying serious pathology and take appropriate action. d. Use complex decision making to inform the diagnosis, investigation, complete management of episodes of care within a broad scope of practice. e. Actively take a personalised care approach and population centred care approach to enable shared decision making with the presenting person. f. Complete the relevant training in order to provide multi-professional clinical practice and CPD supervision to other roles within primary care. g. Advise patients on general healthcare and promote self-management where appropriate, including signposting patients to the PCNs social prescribing service and, where appropriate, other community or voluntary services. h. Be able to: Perform specialist health checks and reviews within their scope of practice and in line with local and national guidance Perform investigatory procedures as required and undertake the collection of pathological specimens including intravenous blood samples, swabs and other samples within their scope of practice and in line with local and national guidance. i. Support the delivery of anticipatory care plans and lead certain services (e.g., monitoring blood pressure and diabetes risk of elderly patients). j. Provide an alternative model to urgent and same day GP home visit for the network