Post Title: Staff Nurse Pay Band : Nursing & Midwifery Band 5 Hours: felexible, full and part time considered Contract : Permanant LOCATION/Department Ophthalmolgy KTC ACCOUNTABLE TO: Matron REPORTS TO: Senior sisters /Charge Nurse Key working relationships All hospital personnel involved with patients care Ward /departmental staff Patients and their relatives/carers, significant others Staff in other departments Risk assessment The post involves manual handling activities and exposure to body fluids and chemicals. May involve some VDU work and individuals may be/are exposed to violence and aggression. Job Purpose To work according to the NMC Code and relevant professional guidelines as a named nurse/key worker for a defined group of patients and take responsibility for: The assessment of care and health education needs; The development, implementation and evaluation of programmes of care including discharge planning for each patient. To gain experience and skills in: Clinical Practice Facilitation and teaching Management To work in accordance with the WAH Nursing Strategy and contribute towards achieving its objectives. To maintain effective communication. To participate in Clinical Supervision & Preceptorship as appropriate and act as a facilitator/mentor/preceptor /role model to less experienced staff. To provide supervision, support and education to unqualified staff and students. Key duties The particular duties to be undertaken by the post holder will be determined by the department manager. Objectives, performance and training needs will be regularly reviewed in accordance with the Trusts Performance review guidelines. Patient Care Responsibilities Acting as a Named Nurse, to maintain accountability for assessing, planning, implementing and evaluating programmes of care within the framework of team nursing. To co-ordinate the patients discharge arrangements in accordance with WAH discharge policy. To promote a patient focused approach to care in collaboration with all relevant health professionals. To educate patients and their carers as required where a need has been identified To provide information which enables patients to make choices about adopting a healthier lifestyle To complete patient documentation correctly. To assist in establishing and monitoring protocols/care pathways To participate in the promotion and maintenance of effective communication with patients, relatives and other staff. To support peoples equality, diversity and rights at all times To safe guard vulnerable adults in accordance with agreed policies and procedures Please also see departmental variations for more details. Professional Development and Education Responsibilities To develop own teaching skills and participate in staff/student education programmes. To help maintain a suitable learning environment for staff and act as a facilitator in the supervision and teaching of less experienced staff. To attend Trust/local orientation programmes and mandatory training sessions. To be responsible for developing and sustaining own knowledge, clinical skills and professional awareness in accordance with PREP requirements and to maintain a professional portfolio with evidence of reflective practice. To contribute to annual appraisal and be responsible for own Personal Development Programme. To participate in the Trusts Preceptorship/Clinical Supervision Programmes. To assist in the development and implementation of nursing practice guidelines, standards and policies. To assist in the training and development of student nurses and health care assistants and complete assessors training as required. Research and Development Responsibilities To assist in promoting nursing practice in line with relevant research. To maintain an awareness of evidence-based practice To contribute to research and development programmes within the ward/department Audit, Quality and Risk Management Responsibilities To contribute to the setting and monitoring of measurable standards of care and be accountable for maintaining standards. To maintain awareness of the national, professional and local quality issues relevant to the delivery of nursing services, e.g. Clinical Governance. To uphold quality initiatives that improve customer care and enhance the interface between staff, patients, and visitors. To participate in the audit process for monitoring and reviewing nursing quality. To be aware of personal responsibilities in relation to the maintenance of a safe environment and identification of potential risks for all personnel, patients and visitors, taking action as and when required. To be aware of the role of the nurse in handling complaints in accordance with WAH policy. To participate in maintaining a clean environment. The post holder will familiarise themselves with relevant Trust policies and procedures and comply with these at all times To identify own training needs, to ensure individual competence in the use of all equipment provided for use. To maintain a safe ward environment and ensure all appropriate general risk assessments are carried out within 24 hours of admission document and plan care accordingly e.g. manual handling, pressure risks, slips trips and falls, nutrition, safeguarding. Resource Management Responsibilities To develop and maintain an awareness of budgeting, exercising care and economy in the ordering and use of equipment. To assist in the assessment and monitoring of staffing requirements and report problems to the appropriate manager. In the absence of a more senior member of staff and as part of the individuals development programme,the post holder, with support ,will be able to undertake clinical/shift management within the department. LOCAL WARD/DEPARTMENT VARIATION TO CORE JOB DESCRIPTION To have an understanding of a range of work procedures and practices, which requires expertise within ophthalmology, underpinned by theoretical knowledge or relevant experience. Guiding and communicating with the visually impaired person and referral to the social services to aid the continuity of care in the community. General assessment of visual acuity, instillation of drops and ointments, application of eye pads, dressings / bandages and irrigation of the eye to support the medical colleagues clinical commitments. To deliver a wide range of ophthalmic skills tests and treatments eg. measurement of tear production, syringing of lacrimal ducts, epilation of eyelashes, inserting and removing and orbital prosthesis and contact lenses, macro examination of the anterior segment of the eye to work alongside and supporting the medical colleagues in the clinic. To be responsible for organising pre-assessment clinics in order to maintain a quality service. To practice in a pre assessment clinic including biometry, measurement of intra ocular pressure, Keratometry, focimetry, venepuncture and cannulation, history taking, and planning nursing care to ensure that each patient receives care appropriate to their needs. To prepare patients for the Laser treatment and to practice the safety measures advised by the Radiation Physics and Protection Service (RRPPS). To be competent to perform any of the following Theatre roles: Admission/Discharge Escort Theatre Runner Scrub Recovery To ensure the safe custody of: Patients records Patients belongings and valuables according to Trust policy. To be responsible for the ordering of stock, pharmacy and specialised ophthalmic supplies.