The Enhanced Access service operates on behalf of PCNs across Coventry, Nuneaton and Atherstone, run from local General Practices. As one of our EA GPNs, you will be expected to undertake the following as part of your role:
1. Work independently to provide excellent practice nursing care directly to patients.
2. Participate in the delivery of routine surveillance and screening.
3. Participate in the management of long-term conditions, contraceptive services, wound care, immunisations and vaccinations.
4. Support the development of innovative and high-quality nursing practice, offering advice on service improvements based upon your experience and knowledge of the needs of patients.
5. Provide General Practice Nursing duties on behalf of the patients' General Practice and PCN.
Main Duties:
1. To work within the multidisciplinary team to meet common goals.
2. To provide family planning advice.
3. To administer IM Contraceptive injections as per protocol.
4. To administer childhood immunisations according to the national vaccination schedule.
5. Monitoring of ongoing treatments.
6. To provide health education advice.
7. Perform cervical cytology screening.
8. To provide opportunistic screening and advice on patients' health.
9. To assist with planning and evaluating patient care.
10. Clinical measurements including blood pressure recording, blood glucose monitoring and ECGs.
11. The administration of subcutaneous and intramuscular injections.
12. To provide Health Promotion in areas such as weight, smoking and alcohol.
13. Undertake wound care and appropriate management of wounds.
14. Teaching patients and their family self-care where appropriate.
15. Assisting and or chaperoning the general practitioner.
16. To work consistently within your own professional standards, maintaining an awareness of evidence-based and current best practice.
17. To ensure appropriate registration with your own professional body.
18. To participate fully in the annual appraisal process and maintain your own personal professional development.
19. To participate in clinical supervision.
20. Maintain cleanliness and hygiene to infection control standards.
21. To participate in the maintenance of medical equipment, ensuring appropriate interim checks are carried out and equipment is appropriately calibrated, and faults are reported in line with policy.
22. To support the maintenance of appropriate stock items in fridges and clinical areas and to adhere to cold chain policies.
Who are Coventry and Rugby GP Alliance?
Coventry and Rugby GP Alliance is a private company limited by shares, wholly owned by local Coventry and Rugby GP practices. As a GP led organisation, we represent 54 GP practice shareholders and cover nearly 420,000 patients. We describe our work in terms of Supporting, Innovating, Developing and Educating - we are on the S.I.D.E. of general practice to ensure that we continue to provide high quality, accessible and responsive services for both practices and patients. We have identified key areas that we will focus on to build upon and improve our existing services.
These are our Strategic Priorities:
1. Clinical Service Improvement & Delivery
2. Clinical Innovation
3. Primary Care Development
4. Practice and Network Support
5. Training and Education
6. Integrated Care
7. Good Governance
Requirements on all employees of the CRGPA:
Risk Management: The management of risk is the responsibility of everyone within the CRGPA, and will be achieved within a progressive, positive, honest and open environment. Staff will be provided with the necessary education, training and support to enable them to meet this responsibility. It is the responsibility of staff to make themselves familiar with the Information Governance Policy, Major Incident Policy and Fire Policy, and to ensure they are familiar with the local response plan and their own specific role within that response.
Health & Safety: It is the responsibility of all employees to work with managers to achieve a healthy and safe environment, and to take reasonable care of themselves and others. Specific individual responsibilities for health and safety will be outlined under key responsibilities for the post.
Equality & Diversity: It is the responsibility of all employees to support CRGPA's vision of promoting a positive approach to diversity and equality of opportunity, to eliminate discrimination and disadvantage in service delivery and employment, and to manage, support or comply through the implementation of Equality & Diversity Strategies and Policies.
Confidentiality: In the course of your employment, you will have access to confidential information of a personal and/or clinical nature, including information relating to CRGPA, its clients, patients, employees and other parties. You must not use such information for your own benefit nor disclose it to other persons without the consent of CRGPA and the party concerned unless required to do so by law. This applies both during and after the termination of your employment. Any breach of confidentiality during employment may be regarded as serious misconduct and could lead to summary dismissal.