Sherbourne Fields is an Outstanding all aged Special School catering for pupils with a broad range of special educational needs. With the school at maximum capacity (260 pupils) Start date: September 2025 depending on current career status. What is the job role? We are looking to recruit an exceptional Class Teacher to teach in our Primary or our Secondary department. Applications are welcome from teachers in primary, secondary, mainstream and special schools; we also welcome applications from ECT’s and those completing their Teacher Training in July 2025. (Ofsted – Outstanding: Nov 2011, Feb 2014, Oct 2018, June 2024) ‘Sherbourne Fields is a truly special, inclusive school. Inspirational leaders and highly dedicated staff are unwavering in their simple vision that every moment counts’ - Ofsted – June 2024. This is an excellent opportunity for you to become part of an ‘Outstanding’ school where you will receive ongoing professional development opportunities and support within a unique environment. You will work alongside a dedicated team of staff to ensure the best possible outcomes for our children and young people. ‘Leaders at all levels support staff well and provide high-quality training so that everyone who works here can provide the very best for pupils. Staff appreciate the support and guidance they receive. They are extremely proud to work here and love doing so’ - Ofsted - June 2024 Who are we looking for? We are looking for creative, inspirational, enthusiastic and imaginative class teachers, who are passionate about teaching pupils with a wide range of special needs, to ensure they achieve their very best. As a teacher at Sherbourne Fields you need to think outside of the box, excite and empower our pupils and bring your classroom to life. The ideal candidate will: • have the ability and enthusiasm to create a positive learning environment, instil curiosity and a desire to learn • love encouraging, motivating and inspiring children and young people • be fully committed to our ethos of ‘raising aspiration, access and achievement for all’ • be energetic, committed and passionate about their chosen career Here at Sherbourne Fields we offer: • a safe, caring environment where respect and consideration are taught, established and valued by all in our community • an environment full of passionate, friendly, dedicated and highly trained staff - committed to doing their very best for our children and young people every single day • a commitment to training and staff development with high quality induction training and a plethora of opportunities for career development • mentor support which provides feedback, coaching and guidance • supportive governors and parents Please send your completed application form to: recruitmentsherbournefields.coventry.sch. Closing date: Tuesday 4th March Interview date: TBC Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. The successful candidate will be required to undertake an enhanced criminal record check via the DBS. Following recommendations from Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) for an additional pre employment check with effect 1 Sept 22, please note, an online search may form part of this recruitment process.