In liaison with the Senior Sister supervises and directs the work of the nursing staff on the Unit, exercising a leadership role and promoting optimal neonatal care. Collaborates with all members of the multidisciplinary team within the Neonatal Unit and the Princess Anne Hospital and ensures a team approach to care. Reports and receives information on the care and conditions of the neonate. You are responsible for ensuring that the neonate, family and carers are at the centre of everything you do. Anticipates discharge of neonates, co-ordinates arrangements and continuing care with community services in liaison with the multidisciplinary team. Is proactive in the education and training of junior members of staff on clinical practice, guidelines, policies and standards of the Unit. Demonstrates a positive approach to the managing complaints, ensuring appropriate action is taken. To be open, honest and willing to acknowledge when something has gone wrong. Make timely apologies and manage adverse events, communicating to senior colleagues, and where appropriate completing an adverse event form. You should continuously seek to reduce harm. Managers and leaders must listen to others when they raise concerns and take action. Wholeheartedly commit to continuing your learning, striving to improve excellent care. Maintain high standards of cleanliness and infection control across the neonatal unit, ensuring compliance with Trust policies and procedures. Collaborates with all members of the multidisciplinary team within the Neonatal Unit and the Princess Anne Hospital and ensures a team approach to care. The ability to recognise personal limitations in your knowledge and competence, acknowledging these to other members of the neonatal team. To work within Trust Policies to maintain confidentiality of verbal and written information and ensures that any disclosure is consistent with Statutory and Trust Policy.