The job holder will be required to carry out the following responsibilities, activities, and duties:
The role of the PEL is to improve employment outcomes for prison leavers. In order to achieve this, they will:
1. Engage with stakeholders within the prison to establish a system that identifies work-ready prisoners and highlights actions needed to support prisoners to achieve work readiness.
2. Work with prison staff and DWP Prison Work Coaches to match work-ready candidates to job opportunities from the New Futures Network (NFN), DWP Employment Advisers, and National Employer and Partnership Team.
3. Support contracted IAG and Education providers to ensure the prison induction process properly:
1. Promotes employment, education, and skills training opportunities to prisoners upon arrival at the prison.
2. Effectively captures information relating to prisoner education, work experience, and skills.
3. Encourages prisoners to develop personal and social skills that improve employability.
4. Manage an Employment Hub which centralizes employment support services within the prison and promotes live vacancies to prison leavers within the resettlement period.
5. Champion innovations in employment and industry-focused recruitment practices, such as hospitality/construction drives, etc.
6. Work in partnership with the Prison’s Strategic Employment Advisory Boards to improve systems that support prisoners to develop employability, ensuring they meet commercial needs/standards of employers.
7. Contribute to the Local Partnership Agreement (LPA) with DWP detailing the responsibilities of the PEL, Prison Work Coaches, and DWP Employment Advisers and how they will work together at the prison.
8. Organize regular opportunities for NFN, DWP, and other stakeholders to bring employers into the prison and facilitate prisoner forums.
9. Work in partnership with Community Offender Management (COM) to ensure prison leaver information is supplied to relevant agencies post-release in order to remove duplication.
10. Liaise with COM to ensure prison leavers who require further support on release are signposted to Education, Training and Employment Commissioned Rehabilitative Services (CRS) who can continue to support them on their journey towards meaningful, sustained employment.
The duties/responsibilities listed above describe the post as it is at present and are not intended to be exhaustive.
The job holder is expected to accept reasonable alterations and additional tasks of a similar level that may be necessary. Significant adjustments may require re-examination under the Job Evaluation Scheme and shall be discussed in the first instance with the job holder.
An ability to fulfil all spoken aspects of the role with confidence through the medium of English or (where specified in Wales) Welsh.