CLINICAL (General Responsibilities) Delivering a high standard of safe, compassionate nursing care, recognising and incorporating the specific needs of patients; Undertaking assessment, planning, delivery and evaluation of care, under indirect supervision of a Registered Practitioner; Utilising a problem solving approach to patient care; Promoting and delivering health education within the clinical area for patients and significant others; Engaging and interacting with patients and significant others to include them in decisionmaking and care planning; Implementing and sharing good infection prevention and control practices; Adhering to Trust infection control, decontamination and cleanliness policies; Adhering to COSHH regulations; Promoting the safety and wellbeing of patients, significant others and visitors; Support appropriate studies within PHNT/UHP and its partner organisations as appropriate. Research specific Clinical responsibilities1. Assist in the clinical care of research participants within the relevant specialty in accordance with thespecifications of each research study.2. With training and support, screen and identify patients suitable for clinical research using inclusion andexclusion criteria and utilising NHS records, screening clinics, visiting wards and outpatients and using TrustIT systems and databases.3. Be responsible for the safe and accurate collection of research data through clinical procedures such asvenepuncture, history taking, standard observations (height, weight, BP, RR, HR, oxygen saturations,temperature) and other assessments such as ECG, physical examinations, disease specific outcomemeasures, questionnaires, rated scales, qualitative interviewing as required by the protocol.4. With regard to the above clinical duties, assist in the monitoring of treatment toxicity/side effects by reportingany abnormal values to a senior member of the team.5. Centrifuge, process track and ship samples in line with protocol requirements including handling dry icefollowing training.6. Record information relating to a patients previous medical history and current medication regimens followingappropriate training, escalating any changes for review by a senior colleague.7. Follow the process for receiving informed consent on a limited range of research studies as deemedappropriate and following specific training. This may require discussion of complex, sensitive information andawareness that there may be barriers to understanding the nature of research and the interventions thatpatients and/or relatives are asked to engage with.8. Ensure accurate patient trial documentation, including the use of electronic data capture systems and ensurerelevant information is recorded in patients medical notes in a timely manner.9. Refer to other members of the MDT as required in order to provide optimal care of the participant.10. Proactively seek feedback from participants and their families during their research involvement.11. Ensure the environment is suitable for patient care and research processes, recognising the importance ofprivacy, dignity and diversity.12. Contribute to Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement activities across the department. For further details please see attached JD&PS.