NHS Lanarkshire StaffBank
If you have already applied for any previous post to the Staffbank you should not apply to this post
We can only accept applications for these posts from currently at university.
Please note: All applicants should have a current/most recent placement mentor and a personal tutor as their two referees only.
The aim of the service is to supply on demand, appropriately skilled staff, to cover shortages within the service.
Within the Staff Bank system, there are no guarantees of a fixed amount of hours each week as this is a demand led service. Bank workers are asked to submit their availability in advance and shifts are then booked on an as and when required basis.
All staff registered by the Staff Bank Service may be required to work in a variety of hospitals/settings within NHS Lanarkshire, depending on the clinical areas/Depts needs, due to staff absence, sickness or any unplanned increase in workload.